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Budgets and finance software for LEA-maintained schools

Whether you’re buying for schools or looking for a solution to recommend, Access Education’s budget and finance software is here to help empower your schools to confidently manage their finances.
While we encourage collective procurement for optimal results, Access budgets and finance can be purchased individually. Proudly working with 37 local authorities.

Introducing customised reporting for local education authorities. Now you can create custom reports that meet your LA’s specific needs.

Why choose Access budgets & finance for your schools?

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School specific & LA compliant

Designed for schools, our software makes it easy for non-finance staff as well as school finance professionals to manage budgets.

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Secure & cloud-based

100% cloud-based with secure access through Access Workspace, anytime, anywhere.

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DFE & ESFA compliant

Supports accounting processes in line with DfE and ESFA requirements.

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Powerful, customised reporting

Reports for income and expenditure, monthly staffing and more. Plus, we now have customised reporting to meet individual LA requirements.

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Electronic bank reconciliation

Reconciling multiple or single bank accounts can be time-consuming. Upload a CSV statement to auto-match transactions.

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Income & expenditure

Track, manage and report on all your school’s income and expenditure to ensure your budget stays on track.

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5-year forecasting

Forecast and plan your school budget for up to 5 years, increasing your visibility so your school can avoid deficits and track spending. Tweak as needed from the ‘snapshot’ view, avoiding manual data analysis and entry.

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Scenario planning & salary modeling

Model the financial impact of multiple scenarios such as changes in staff, pay, pupils, income, expenditure and more. This is now even easier with our latest budget forecasting functionality, allowing you to make changes within the ‘snapshot’ view.

Tailored finance solutions for local authorities

The procurement process differs from authority to authority. But don’t worry. Access Education has you covered.

Buying for schools and using the software at local authority level?

If you intend on using the software at local authority level, you need to have confidence in your supplier - confidence that they’ll provide the right tools and training, and confidence that the software is easy to use and effective.

Our team is on hand to ensure your team is best prepared to use our software:

  • All the training you need: Our experts will deliver training sessions to give your team the right level of knowledge.
  • Ongoing support: Our software is always developing and improving. We’ll provide you with ongoing ‘refresher’ sessions as and when you need them.
  • A software solution you will love: Our software has been designed to be both high quality and easy to use. Say goodbye to clunky, dated systems and hello to slick software that you, your team and your schools will love.
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Buying on behalf of schools, for schools to use themselves?

If you’re buying on behalf of your schools, the pressure is on. Your schools are relying on you to:

  • Select an effective software
  • Solve their problems when they occur

Our flexible, ‘train the trainer’ approach empowers your team to become the experts on our solutions.

With Access Education in your corner, you get:

  • All the training you need: Our experts will deliver training sessions to give your team the right level of knowledge to support your schools.
  • Ongoing support: Our software is always developing and improving. We’ll provide you with ongoing ‘refresher’ sessions as and when you need them.
  • A flexible approach: We can work with you on a ‘train the trainer’ basis, or if you prefer, your schools can go direct to Access for support.

Put simply, you can be confident that your schools will be properly implemented, supported, and trained.

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Encouraging schools to procure budgets and finance software themselves?

If you’re encouraging schools to procure their own budgets and finance software, they’ll be relying on you for guidance.

Don’t allow them to settle for the dated, clunky solutions that first spring to mind.

Instead, provide them with a solution that they’ll enjoy using on a day-to-day basis.

Trust us, they will thank you for it.

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Introducing customised reporting for local education authorities

Custom reports for your LA, delivered faster

We understand that local authorities have unique and specific reporting requirements. But don’t let that hold you back. With our new customised reporting functionality, we leverage an API to create custom reports that meet your LA’s specific needs. No matter what LA you’re part of, we’ve got you covered.

Discover how in this short clip featuring our pre-sales consultant, Jack Webster. For a 6 minute demo video (including a product tour), hit the link below.

Reforecasting feature now available in the Snapshot view

Revolutionise budget management with direct adjustments, eliminating manual updates

Now you can track your budget year-round, tweaking it as needed - based on expected outcomes, end-of-year projections, and variances, all from one convenient view

Bid farewell to manual data analysis and entry, and welcome faster decision-making, time savings, and enhanced data quality.

Join the growing number of LEAs switching to Access Education Finance & Budgets

Why local authorities love our financial management software

Finance & budgeting resources for LAs

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of early engagement with providers in software procurement?

Our Education Finance Expert, James Kirby details the benefits of talking to software providers early in the procurement process.

What are the initial steps for schools purchasing Access Finance software?

Our Education Finance Expert, James Kirby explains the initial steps for schools purchasing Access Finance software.

How do we customise the finance software for each school’s needs?

James Kirby, Education Finance Expert at Access, explains how we customise finance software setups for each school, ensuring smooth implementation.

How do we support local authorities?

Education Finance Expert Expert James Kirby shares how Access Education can support both your LA and your schools.

How do we customise software training?

After onboarding, schools receive customised training to effortlessly master the software and reduce workload, with our expert, James Kirby, explaining the process.

Why choose Access Education Finance & Budgets?

At Access, our Education Finance Expert offers extensive finance expertise, making us the top choice for education finance and budgeting solutions.