When is it time to make a change to your MAT finance software?
If you are responsible for managing the money at your school, then you will be aware that budgets are getting harder and harder to juggle and with the growth of Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs), more often than not you are managing the finance of numerous schools. Each may have different requirements and needs but there is one common goal - getting the finances right is key to the essential running and success of any school.
With that in mind, it’s vital that your financial software isn’t slowing you down and making your day-to-day tasks more arduous than they need to be. Thinking about changing solutions may be something that fills you with fear – after all it can be seen as a big task in itself but having a bespoke and scalable software to suit your needs will save time and money in the long run.
Rules and regulations change across the education sector so the software you use needs to be adaptable to this and to aid you if/when any changes occur. If you are part of a MAT looking to grow over the coming months and years, you will also need a product that can meet these growth plans not leave you hindered by software limitations.
Finding the right financial management system that has been designed specifically for the education sector is a great place to start if you are looking to make a change. This will give you the peace of mind to know you are choosing something that has been created with the bespoke needs of your industry in mind. This is something we have covered in a recent blog highlighting the importance of education specific solutions and what to look out for.
Bespoke software can be created for the needs of your school allowing you to accurately record and report information as you need it and store securely. This allows you to monitor budget and cash flow with real-time tracking and provides information that gives you up an up-to-date snap shot of your school’s financial performance in an instant. This can also help you produce detailed reports for governors and trustees and quickly recognise and act on trends. With one central system in operation, finances can be managed across individual schools and trust level and can also be easily scaled up when needed.
At Access Education, we know that even changing solutions can be a challenging process and our experts are on hand to answer any questions you may have about making the switch. We also hold things like group demo webinars and one-on-one support for anyone evaluating school management software.
After helping you select the right system we will work with you during the implementation phase providing training and support with tailored packages that give you the right support to match your school’s size, experience and budget. We host regular webinars and hands-on training workshops and we run customer live events across the UK, so we can get your feedback and answer any questions you may have. These events also look at plans and products in the pipeline for the future, helping you keep up to date with what is happening in the sector.
Anyone working in the education sector will be aware of how much planning and decision-making revolves around term-dates and school holidays, so it can be too easy to delay making changes to your processes until September. However, with dynamic solutions like Access Workspace for Education capable of integrating existing finance, payroll and HR data, as well as the support of education technology specialists, it is extremely straightforward to make big changes before the summer break.
Making the switch can seem like a daunting task to take on but accessing a flexible and scalable solution designed with schools and academies in mind will make your daily tasks and collaboration so much easier and more efficient.