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Access Education Budgets

Curriculum planning software

Access Education Curriculum is a flexible curriculum planning tool designed to help you create detailed five-year forecasts, building in your curriculum requirements and staffing resources.

You can accurately model different curriculum and staff scenarios to be confident you’re making financially viable decisions in the short, medium and long term.

Why choose our online curriculum planning tool?

Our curriculum planning software makes strategic resource planning at your school straightforward. The intuitive and easy-to-use tool helps you understand the financial viability of your curriculum, make the most of opportunities, quickly assess the impact of changes, deploy staff more efficiently and maximise your resource.

Our curriculum planning tool is also delivered through our cloud-based platform, Access Workspace, giving schools the freedom to access their data, anytime, anywhere, on any device via single-sign-on.

How our online curriculum tool helps schools with their planning

Build a curriculum-based resource plan
  • Create a clear picture of staffing requirements for each subject by year group based on number of periods, group size and support staff needed.
  • Easily allocate teaching and support staff to each period to see staff load, including contact and non-contact time, and identify opportunities and shortfalls.
  • Availability is automatically calculated for different FTE types and staff changes within the academic year.
Assess the impact of curriculum changes

With our curriculum planning tool you can:

  • Quickly and accurately model multiple scenarios, such as class size, subject, staff changes and pay scales.
  • See the impact on staff load and expenditure, allowing you to make financially viable decisions around staffing and your curriculum.
  • Set your curriculum up to your school’s timetable and contact time preferences.
A teacher looking at a sheet of paper with a student
Examine your curriculum plan’s affordability

Within our curriculum planning software, the at-a-glance visual dashboard allows you to :

  • Compare your budget plan and curriculum plan, allowing you to see the affordability.
  • View key indicators including pupil/teacher ratios, average class sizes, % spent on teachers and teacher FTEs, and financial projections over a five-year period.
  • Easily share the impact of your curriculum plan with the stakeholders at your school with our ready-made-reports.
A money pot

Integrating our curriculum financial planning tool with our school budgeting software

Integrated with our school budgeting software, Access Education Budgets, our curriculum planning tool allows budget figures and staffing costs/profiles to be added straight from our budget planning software, allowing you to quickly view the viability of your curriculum.

Take charge of your finances with our curriculum led financial planning tool

Saving working days with our curriculum planning software

The Catholic High School, Chester, adopted the Access Education curriculum planning software alongside the Access Education school budgeting software in 2014 in a bid to reduce their administration burdens.

Since implementing the Access Education software, Stephen Gauller, assistant head at The Catholic High School, Chester, has found that he has saved on average two to three working days each month.

Stephen believes that the software makes his huge workload manageable while improving senior management decision making across the school.

Curriculum planning software FAQs

What is a curriculum mapping tool?

A curriculum mapping tool helps analyse teaching quality against the curriculum syllabus by gathering data on what is being taught and how students are learning. The data is used to make teaching more effective. The tool also helps schools, academies and multi-academy trusts make better decisions on financial spending, resource planning and recruitment.

How do you create a curriculum plan on the software?

Users can create a full curriculum resource plan by collating subject information and year-group requirements against teaching resources. Using Access Education Budgets, the staffing structure and budget figures can sit behind the curriculum plan so there’s no need to duplicate staff data. Any changes to the budget or curriculum are updated automatically, reducing the manual administration of different data sources.

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