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PIXL and GCSEPod English Booster Pack

Download our free English boost pack. Produced in collaboration with PiXL to support GCSE preparation, independent study and progression through the Key Stages.

Scroll down to find out what is included.

The pack includes:

Knowledge and Confidence Gaps Report

Based on data from 80,000 students, this report shows you the areas your students may need to focus more on to improve their attainment. We have slip up the information by exam boards covering AQA, EdEXCel and Eduqas.

Getting Ready for…GCSE and A-level

The transition for those starting GCSEs or A-Levels next year is very daunting, that's why we produced these fantastic complimentary resources for both subscribers and non-subscribers to support students.

Our ‘Getting Ready for GCSE’ and ‘Getting ready for A-Level’ resources are made up of a collection of activities aimed at supporting students to ‘have a go’ at tasks, learning and skills required for the next key stage. All activities can be completed on demand, at the student’s own pace and across the full range of subjects.

Celebrating Authors of African and Caribbean Heritage

Celebrating authors of African and Caribbean heritage Written and curated by poet Degna Stone, we have produced Pods on 25 contemporary Black and Mixed-Race authors, playwrights, and poets.

In addition to a Pod on each writer’s background, influences, and style. Additional resources for our subscribers have been commissioned by experts in the field of diversity and education to produce complementary resources containing suggested classroom activities and discussion topics, as well as ideas for independent learning and further reading.

Simply enter your details to get access to all this free content.