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Challenges for support staff in schools: current trends and solutions

How well are support staff in schools coping in the current climate? We asked nearly 100 schools about their administrative processes and use of technology.

Their responses revealed some interesting insights into how the school office is currently working – as well as the problems consistently being encountered.

Support staff in schools face significant challenges in the current climate

The administrative work required to run a primary or secondary school on a day-to-day basis is a mammoth task. From communicating with parents for a multitude of reasons to processing a never-ending stream of financial transactions and managing vast amounts of data.

Add in the pressing need to tightly control and balance limited budgets and resources – and keep accurate records of everything - it’s no wonder many find the role stressful. And managing such a varied workload efficiently is particularly problematic when the tools and processes in place are not kept up-to-date.

Parent payment systems

Key facts

  • Schools that DO offer online parent payments are using non-integrated software that doesn't talk to any other school systems
  • More than a quarter of our survey respondents would expect to save 4-8 hours per month if parent payments fed into the school finance system

What's the solution? 💡

One secure consolidated finance system that streamlines all your payments is far easier, more efficient and more accurate than managing multiple payment platforms and processes

Parent communication

Key facts 

  • Schools continue to find it difficult to consistently communicate with parents - child-specific reports, timetables and results are mainly communicated on paper or via email
  • 60% of schools don't have a parent engagement software

What's the solution? 💡

An online easy-to-use parent communication channel means everyone - staff and parents - know where to go to send or access to information they need about each child.

Absence reporting

Key facts

  • Reporting and tracking absence continues to be a daily headache for school support staff who must receive and log details via an array on different notification methods
  • Only 36% of schools surveyed are using electronic absence reporting

What's the solution? 💡

Introducing parent engagement software provides a highly effective way to manage absence plus many more interactive tools to boost ongoing collaboration between home and school.

Document management

Key facts

  • 49% of respondents said a system for forms and document sharing would save time - estimates ranged from 2 hours up to 8 or more hours per week
  • Some schools are using unreliable and out-of-date devices and software, often accessing different programs to undertake different tasks

What's the solution? 💡

An integrated school office software package will bring immediate benefits effectively removing over-reliance on inefficient paper, phone and email processes and transforming administration for the better.

Download the challenges for support staff in schools full report

Download our latest report to find out more about the issues and trends currently facing school support staff.