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Customer Story:
Liverpool City Council

Modernising school financial management: Opportunities and challenges

At Access Education, a significant portion of our customer base comprises Local Authorities. In fact, we proudly work with 38 local authorities across the UK.

This gives us a unique perspective into what Local Authorities seek when procuring software solutions for their schools, and indeed the challenges they face.

Finance Icon Access Education Finance
HCSS BUDGETING Access Education Budgets
School Icon Local authority
Liverpool City Countil Case Study

In this case study, we delve into our collaboration with Gary Burke, Group Finance Manager of Liverpool City Council. Gary shares his valuable experience supporting schools in Liverpool to independently procure budgeting and finance software, while highlighting the crucial role played by the council in providing assistance throughout the process.

Challenging the status quo: Encouraging schools to think differently

In his capacity, Gary took charge of reviewing and, whenever necessary, assisting schools in transitioning to a new Finance Management System. His focus was clear: encouraging schools to think about their current system. Key considerations included:

  • Assessing whether their current system adequately meets their needs
  • Whether sufficient investment has been directed towards enhancing core and additional functionality
  • Evaluating overall usability

Gary highlighted the importance of embracing user-friendly technology to simplify financial workflows in schools, tackling the challenges posed by outdated systems. The goal is to make it quick and easy for everyone, ensuring that school business managers can efficiently meet their financial needs without enduring a lengthy or complex process.

Of the 130+ schools within the Liverpool City Council authority, 54 schools at the time decided to switch their financial management system.

The remaining schools chose to stick with their existing solution. Two primary factors contributed to this decision—firstly, the provider emphasised the importance of schools signing up before a set deadline to take advantage of competitive pricing. Secondly, there was a prevailing inclination among some schools to stick with the status quo, preferring the comfort of familiarity over the uncertainty of change.

In essence, Gary faced the challenge of encouraging schools to rethink their financial management approach in the face of both technological advancement and external pressures. The dichotomy between the appeal of a modern solution and the practical constraints imposed by deadlines and providers showcased the intricate dynamics at play in this effort to bring about change within local authorities.

A growing concern: School’s budget underutilisation

Despite the introduction of a modern financial management system, Gary observed a reluctance among many schools in Liverpool to fully harness the budgeting tools at their disposal.

Gary's worry is rooted in the realisation that schools may not be maximising the benefits of efficient budget management. This concern goes beyond the technicalities of system implementation and delves into organisational behavior and institutional practices.

Potential factors contributing to this underutilisation are:

  • A lack of awareness on the new system's features, to
  • Entrenched habits tied to previous financial management practices

Gary's concern acts as a prompt for exploring the barriers preventing schools from embracing and optimising the available budgeting capabilities.

Gary's experience with Access Education: A positive partnership

Among the schools that opted to switch to the Access Education finance and budgeting solution, Gary's experience was notably positive. His commendation extends beyond the functionality of the system itself, highlighting the partnership formed with the Access Education team.

In particular, Gary expresses his appreciation for the comprehensive training and robust support delivered by the implementation team. The training sessions were tailored to address the specific needs and nuances of each school, ensuring a seamless integration of the new system into their unique operational contexts.

Gary notes that the team not only facilitated a smooth transition but also empowered school staff with the knowledge and skills needed to leverage the full potential of the system.

Furthermore, the ongoing support received from Access Education proved helpful in resolving any challenges that arose post-implementation. Gary emphasised the responsiveness and expertise of the support team, illustrating how their commitment to customer satisfaction played a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the new financial management system.

In addition to the customer support, the Product Development Team at Access have been instrumental in working collaboratively with the schools to ensure central reporting requirements are met.

In reflecting on his experience with Access Education, Gary notes the importance of not just a robust technological solution but also a collaborative and supportive partnership.

Final thoughts

The collaboration between Access Education and Liverpool City Council unveils a narrative of both challenges and successes in transforming financial management within local authorities.

Gary's efforts to encourage schools to embrace modern budgeting & financial management solutions faced obstacles rooted in both external pressures and entrenched habits.

Despite these challenges, the positive outcomes from schools that adopted Access Education Budgets & Finance underscore the significance of not only advanced technological solutions but also the value of a collaborative and supportive partnership.

Gary was delighted to hear that, within the first 6-9 months, the first school in Liverpool had gone completely paperless with its financial management. Many more schools are expected to achieve this milestone in the near future.

Are you a local authority looking to procure operational software for your schools?