On-demand pay
Give your candidates the pay flexibility they deserve. Access EarlyPay is a revolutionary employee benefit, that enables candidates to draw down from the pay they've accrued. It's cash neutral with no impact to your normal payroll processes.
Access EarlyPay mobile app
Access EarlyPay is an intuitive and easy-to-use mobile app, that gives your candidates the flexibility and control to access earned wages early. Through the app, they can easily see what they’ve earned so far, decide how much they’d like to draw down and receive the money straight into their bank account.

More than 90% of EarlyPay users say ‘on-demand-pay’ is the most important benefit their employer is providing
How it works
Access EarlyPay integrates with Access Pay and Bill* or time and attendance system, giving you the flexibility to run payroll as and when you need to, whilst ensuring EarlyPay is up to date with no manual input.
3 simple steps
- Your recruitment candidates draw down a percentage of their earned pay through the mobile app, and pay a clear and simple fee for using the service. Option to add an agency admin fee to withdrawals creating an additional revenue stream which is automatically accounted for in your company ledger
- Access pays the money directly into the candidate's bank account, meaning it is cash neutral for recruitment businesses and has no impact on your normal payroll processes
- When payroll is run, Access retrieves the EarlyPay drawdowns and fees, which will show under deductions on the candidate's payslip
*Also available as a standalone option without Access Pay & Bill.

Learn how Access EarlyPay can help you attract and engage the best candidates and staff.
Engage and retain the best consultants and candidates
Businesses using Access EarlyPay have seen up to a 25% reduction in staff turnover, and the associated savings that come with that.
Offering on-demand pay attract twice as many applicants for advertised roles, and see candidates filling 22% more shifts than those that don’t.

Get in touch to see how Access EarlyPay can help you
Cash neutral. Free to implement. Set-up within 24hrs
Access EarlyPay removes the need for candidates to ask for advances. At a time when their finances may be stretched and recruitment businesses are feeling a similar strain on their cashflow, offering on-demand pay could help you to increase productivity, decrease candidate turnover and attract the best. And at no cost to the recruitment business and set-up possible in as little as 24hrs, there couldn't be a better time to offer on-demand pay.

Truly a win-win
Your candidates feel valued because they have flexibility around their pay, have improved personal liquidity and may feel less stressed.
Recruitment businesses benefit through having more engaged and productive candidates, with a benefit that helps to attract and retain talent.