Personalised Learning Journeys
Why personalised Learning?
Ryan demonstrates how with Personalised Learning, you can provide personal learning plans, career development, development in skills gaps, analytics and improve your staff turnover rate.

Personalised Learning Journeys
Take careers to the next level
Our online careers solution offers personalised digital career coaching in a timeframe that suits the user, and aims to help build the confidence of those looking to enhance their employability or skillset.
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How Personalised Learning unlocks your people power
Personalised Learning Journeys - Masterclass transcript
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When we talk about personalised learning, first thing we think about is the learner and what we want to do is go back to essentially what's our, our mission statement, which is how do we provide coaching and make coaching available to all employees. So remove the barriers to scalable coaching and we do that through our personalised learning journeys, which is generated by the system and presented to the learner and then from an organisation perspective.
What we're trying to provide is meaningful data and meaningful insight into the learning opportunities you're providing to your employees, so online and offline, helping you identify skill gaps and identify the impact of that learning. So why, why have we created personalised learning? Well, the first thing we've identified, this underpins everything we do within Access Accelerate, is how do we make learning meaningful? How do we put learning in place, which engages a learner and encourages them to come back and encourages them to take ownership of what they're doing rather than just being prescribed to the set of learning. The other thing for us, one of the key drivers of people leaving businesses is a lack of, or at least a perceived lack of progression. Where they don't feel like the organisation is making opportunities for them and making it easy for them to take advantage of those opportunities.
Our Personalised Learning, is all about taking the skills and the competencies that matter to you as an organisation, putting those in front of your employees and letting them identify where they should develop in relation to those. Making it meaningful to them within your organisation. And then the other thing that we know is it can be hard to engage people with online learning. It's all well and good taking a big suite of resources and putting it out there in front of staff and essentially hoping they'll go and find their way around and find their way to the meaningful content.
So with personalised learning journeys, what we're doing is we're asking the learner and asking the employee to identify for themselves where they should be developing, where they should be growing and helping them understand how that relates to their role. And then finally, when we look at learning data, it's all well and good being able to say we've engaged 20% of our learners or 80% of our learners or 100% of our learners, that's fine. But what have they got from it? Well, actually, what does that learning mean to them and what does that learning mean to the organisation?
And that's the data that we put behind Personalised Learning, which I'm going to come in and show you. So how do we do that? How does it work? So firstly, if we consider the learner, what we're doing is we're putting a set of skills, competencies, in front of them and we can work with you to define what those skills are. And we're asking them to rate their confidence. And we use confidence on purpose. We're not asking them to rate competence.
Thats’ the job of an evaluation, that's where a line manager comes in. What we're asking is confidence. So, you as an employee, how confident do you feel with this skill? The system is going to take that data and show them learning around the development areas they've identified themselves. They will also fall into a series of emails. We're engaging them and bringing them back to the programme. Once they've taken that personalised learning assessment that I'm about to show you, they're going to be given their personalised learning programme.
And they're going to receive regular emails encouraging them to come back and re-engage with that learning. Finally, the last step of that journey is we want them to re-evaluate. Having assessed themselves against these competencies, rated their confidence, engaged in learning both online and offline, we want them to come back and tell you, tell the system what difference that's made, has it improved their confidence? So that they feel more confident to progress in the organisation because they've grown within these skills and development areas.
And then from the organisation, what we're doing is we're taking two key bits of data. We're looking to show you the learning gain. Over time, by providing these tools and resources both online and with everything else being done within the organisation to help people develop, what's the impact? IS 12 months time, having put all of these programmes and resources in place, do your staff feel more confident? More confident is the question we're trying to answer and give you the data for. the other thing is identifying skill gaps in the organisation.
On a holistic level, so looking across the entire organisation, the behaviors, the skills, the properties that matter most to us as an organisation, where is confidence low or where is confidence high? Therefore, as an L&D organisation, where should we be putting our focus in terms of developing employees in line with what matters to us? So that's how we do it. Behind this, there is a huge library of content.
So we create short snappy video e-learning and written content which makes up those personalised learning plans. Having assessed as an employee, identified in my development area, we have loads of content that sits behind that. We're very transparent about where that content comes from. It's a coaching panel of professional qualified coaches and we're going to show you all of that now. So let's jump in and have a look at the system. What I want to do is really quickly, before we look at the personalised learning assessment, is just show you that library I described.
For everything that sits in the platform, because everything is browsable. We're not limiting learners to what's suggested to them outside the assessment. There's a whole library of content here, hundreds of resources covering soft skills, professional skills, all with a focus on helping career growth and thinking about our internal mobility. How can we take a coaching session that would discuss that and digitisee it? Where does that come from?
It is from our panel of coaches. I know a lot of learning can be quite anonymous when it's online. As a learner you may question how credible this is. Where is it coming from? Why should I listen to this? ASl the coaches that contribute to our platform all have a profile in here for the learner to see, a written profile and a video profile of the coach talking about their background and where they specialise. We also have a suite of just personal self assessments and these will often make up the learning plans that follow the assessments.
How do we wrap all that together, taking all of that content? This right here is my personalised learning assessment. This is our landing page, our development landing page within Workspace. I'm not here to talk about the other bits on screen, but what they are just so you know, it's our goals and settings app and what we call Path to Great. So, this is a way of mapping employees. We put personalised learning right beside that. As an employee, anytime you come in and you're checking your goals and objectives for the quarter or for the year...
Your personalised learning report will sit right beside it. The way it works is, that we're asking statements in relation to a category, in this instance the statements relate to self-awareness. As a learner I'm rating my confidence from one to 10, really simple to do, shouldn't take more than five, maximum 10 minutes for a learner to complete this assessment. And, as I said, asking ‘confidence’ is on purpose.
Where the configuration comes, here are the categories being measured. If ‘relationships’ isn't interesting to you, but perhaps’ commercial awareness’ is something you're really trying to drive in the business, then that's what we measure and that's what we asked the learner to rate their confidence against. So the statements are not set in stone either. Use your language, language that matches the way you position your competencies internally already, so that it's not only asking the user to rate confidence, but it's building their knowledge and awareness.
Of the skills you're looking to drive within the business, having rated myself, I receive a report which looks like this. This is the end product for me as a learner. What this is telling me is an overall confidence score across all of those competencies, highlighting my three lowest confidence areas and then down here, encouraging me to take action. For example, ‘relationships’ has been identified as a low confidence area for me. If I hit take action here,
I'll be presented with a suite of learning, a pre-set suite of learning. The way we do this, and the way we would work with you to do this, is we set a ‘high’, ‘medium’ or ‘low’ against each of those categories. The scales for ‘high’, ‘medium’ or ‘low’ can be flexed and we set the learning that sits behind them. These are all resources. I'm not now going to go through all the resources, but this is now going to be automatically tracked as well. If I watch a video, I take a course, I read an article, the system is going to track it and mark it as complete for me.
The final step here is having gone through my learning, the system is going to encourage me to reassess, to go back into that, that personal learning assessment, re-score myself. My last page here, these are screenshots, this is the data you'll be able to get out of the system on your site now as an organisation.
Right here what I'm seeing is, number one, my score for first time takers. Across all of those competencies, all of those categories, we've got a confidence score of 59% and down here, those that have retaken...we've got a minus, we've actually got a drop in confidence as a result of engaging. That happens, which is why I put it there actually on purpose, and this was learning for us when we produced this. What we found is that some people having self-assessed and then engaged in a bit of learning which actually increased their knowledge of said subject and they
realise they're not quite as confident as they thought they were and actually they could do with more support around this. So that minus...it does happen, but long term we will always see an improvement.. in the short term you may sometimes see a drop off. So that's your learning gain from the impact of all your learning. You can then go into the specific categories. This is where we start helping you to identify the skill gaps or at least the lower confident areas.
Right here, again looking holistically right now for us, all learners within the organisation, how they've scored themselves. Now with this data, you can segment it further. We can receive employee data in through an API or a manual feed. WS can look at things like departments, we could look at seniority levels, however you want to segment that data. That's where it can get really powerful when you're looking at where to engage in the business, where to put your learning focus across the business because not every department, not every employee needs the same thing. And that's what you can learn from here.
And then finally, for each of those categories, you'll see your score movement over time. Over time, you'll see how that specific skill is trending, are people improving in confidence. And actually ... you can get the individual user data. And that's the last point I want to make because that's optional. We can put all the user data in here, so you guys can go in and see for a very specific employee where they started, where they are now, or we can actually anonymise the whole thing. So you still get your top level data, you'll still see it as an organisation,
where confidence is high and low. But you may want to position this as a ‘this is not tracked’, ‘this is not a measure of your performance in your role’, but ‘this is for you as a learner to take ownership of your learning’. Which is why we put that option in there on the user data. And that's the end of my presentation. I hope that was interesting. If anyone has any questions you're welcome to come and find me. I'll be right here. So come over and have a chat. Thank you guys.
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