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5 Top Ways Gamification Benefits Learning

Gamified learning has grown from being just a buzzword to a regular approach in the delivery of training. Even though gamification of learning has been around for a while now, eLearning producers continue to harness gamification techniques in training courses.

Studies have shown how gamified learning can help improve employee engagement, motivation, and retention of information from learning. Ultimately, this method or approach to training aims to enhance and improve the learning experience for your employees.

It’s been suggested that 80% of people claimed learning would be more productive if it were game-oriented. There are several reasons why gamification benefits the learner and helps with training in your organisation.


Learning is exciting and interactive

Adding gaming elements to learning can help lift your content, making it more exciting and engaging. Whilst gamification isn’t meant to turn learning into a game, as such, it does enable greater human engagement. By making learning informative and exciting, learners are encouraged to interact, which leads to better recall of information.


A scientific basis for greater learning

The most important aim of learning is for users to retain the knowledge they gain. Gamification of learning can encourage learners to feel good, which positively impacts on retention of knowledge. When we win a game or achieve something positive and important to us, our brain releases dopamine because of this rewarding experience. This then helps us to better retain information, as we associate this happy feeling with learning something new.

Improved learning experience

Many techniques provide an effective learning environment which allows learners to practice real-life situations and challenges in a safe environment. This leads to a greater and more engaged learner experience, leading to, once again, improved knowledge recall and retention.


Gamification of learning lets employees work towards real-time, measurable targets where they receive useful feedback instantaneously, as their targets are achieved. This means they are likely to improve their learning quicker and more efficiently, as they are more willing to learn.

Impact on the entire organisation

It’s no secret that gamification boosts motivation and engagement, encouraging learners to continue learning and build up their knowledge. With gamified learning encouraging a better learning experience and increased recall of information, these are benefits for the organisation as a whole due to the fact employees are more productive, leading to a significant improvement in performance across the board, which means better care for patients and/or residents.

Gamification of learning, when used properly, can produce a wealth of benefits for both your learners and your organisation. This approach to learning should be used wisely, rather than introduced just to make learning more engaging. Gamified learning gives targets, and these targets give purpose. It’s important to understand the ways in which this approach works and how it encourages greater retention. Does your business use gamification in its learning? If not, maybe it’s time to look at how you can implement this learning into your organisation and improve the performance of your employees.