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Influence and persuasion training

Two of life’s most important skills are the ability to influence and have a positive impact on the people around you. This influence and persuasion training module explores a range of strategies to help improve those skills.

Influence and persuasion training objectives

  • Explore a range of strategies to help you impact people around you
  • Explore a range of techniques to help you influence the people around you
Influence & Impact

Course content

  • Impact & Influence: The section covers what it means to be able to impact and influence others as well as why these skills are important when trying to have positive impact.
  • How to Impact & Influence People: This section will cover the skills learner need to have to in order to have a positive impact and influence on others.
  • The Science of Persuasion: This section will cover the 6 influencing strategies which someone might want to use in order to influence someone. The section looks at, reciprocity, consistency, social proof, authority, liking, and scarcity.
  • The Law of Reciprocity: This section looks at the law of reciprocity and the understanding that someone will respond to you based the way you treat them.
Impact & Influence

Why use Access Learning?

  • Credible content – our courses are accredited, endorsed and designed in partnership with subject matter experts.
  • Multi-platform learning - optimised for mobile and tablet, meaning less text and more engaging, easily accessible content.
  • True ‘bitesize’ microlearning – making your learning experience more manageable, efficient and relevant.
  • Learning pathways - split courses up into digestible topics to make it quicker and easier to find training in the flow of work.
  • Accessible to all – our courses are compliant with the WACG.2 standards and screen reader optimised.
  • Updated and refreshed – Access Learning courses are regularly updated ensuring the most up to date and compliant content.

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