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Change Management training

Change is an important part of any organisation’s success, but it can be overwhelming.

By taking this Change Management training, you’ll be able to recognise why change is vital and how to accept and adapt to change, while gaining valuable skills for when changes do occur.

About this Change Management training

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this Change Management training, learners will be able to:

  • Define change management and recognise the benefits of managing change more effectively
  • Identify your own strengths and weaknesses in managing change
  • Distinguish between the 3 steps of Lewin’s Change Management model
  • Recognise the steps in Kotter’s 8-step change management process
  • Distinguish between the stages of the ADKAR model
  • Take appropriate action to manage change more effectively
Change management training content
  • What is change management - The definitions of change management.
  • Change management techniques - Find out about Lewin’s change management model, Kotter’s 8-step process and the ADKAR model.
  • Managing change more effectively - The priorities of a successful transition, identifying and overcoming obstacles in relation to change, embedding change, how to deal with resistance and selecting an appropriate strategy.
  • The Need For Strategy - Explore the 7’s framework which looks at strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style and staff.
  • Challenging the Status Quo - Uncover some useful exercises to help you to think outside of the box and gain a fresh perspective. 
  • Making The Change - Take a look at the seven characteristics of effective change agents and the importance of effective communication and active listening.
  • Thriving In Change - Explore the five main forces of change which will help you to anticipate and manage reactions. 
  • Experiencing Change - The seven steps of the change process, known as the change curve and how to adapt to change.
  • Seeing Change Through - Explores the roadblocks to change and how to overcome them.  
Course style

What suits you? Our Workplace Wellbeing titles come in multiple formats – Modules, Video Plus, Video and more!

Why use Access Learning?

  • Credible content – our courses are accredited, endorsed and designed in partnership with subject matter experts.
  • Multi-platform learning - optimised for mobile and tablet, meaning less text and more engaging, easily accessible content.
  • True ‘bitesize’ microlearning – making your learning experience more manageable, efficient and relevant.
  • Learning pathways - split courses up into digestible topics to make it quicker and easier to find training in the flow of work.
  • Accessible to all – our courses are compliant with the WACG.2 standards and screen reader optimised.
  • Updated and refreshed – Access Learning courses are regularly updated ensuring the most up to date and compliant content.

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