Success story: The Security Institute
The Security Institute’s decided to partner with Access Career Development to offer a high quality online professional development benefit to complement the mentoring solution already available to members.

Using Access Career Development to enhance career benefit for members
The Security Institute is the UK’s largest professional membership body for security professionals. Since 1999, The Security Institute has been working to promote the highest possible standards of integrity and professional competence in the business of security.
The Security Institute offers a wide range of benefits to its members, with career development considered to be one of the most valuable.
Why The Security Institute needed to enhance its member benefit
The Security Institute’s decision to partner with Access Career Development was driven by the desire to offer a high quality online professional development benefit to complement the mentoring solution already available to members.
Professional career development support is one of the top benefits offered to The Security Institute’s members, however they didn’t have an online facility to support this. With many members located overseas, The Security Institute wanted to offer a one-stop-shop for career development and enable every member to easily access and utilise this benefit to maximum effect.
The Security Institute chose the career development platform for its modern and intuitive functionality, the extensive range of continuously updated resources and to enable members to access all career development resources in one place at anytime, anywhere and on any device.
The ability to seamlessly integrate the platform with The Security Institute’s existing website and mobile app was also important, making it possible to put professional development at the fingertips of every member.

Launching Access Career Development
With support from the Access Career Development team, the platform was launched to all members and initial promotion consisted of a series of email campaigns, including social media posts and content provided by the Access People team to help drive logins and engagement.
Following the launch of the platform, The Security Institute has used Access Career Development’s Content Directory to easily identify and showcase different tools and resources within the career development platform via weekly member communications, successfully increasing member usage and engagement.
In addition, the Access People team has provided ongoing customer success support as well as attending member events to introduce the platform and drive member engagement.
“The Access People Team are incredibly friendly and professional and are a genuine pleasure to work with. We feel very well supported and are proactively informed about any new product developments and the latest content updates.”
Key stats
The outcome
“At The Security Institute we value our members’ professional development, and wanted to make this process as convenient and uncomplicated as possible. Working with Access Career Development over the last two years has enabled us to achieve this, ensuring professional development is available at the fingertips of our members via our website.
The platform is integrated with our member website, the branding is consistent with ours and we work closely with the Access People team to achieve a continuous growth in members logging in and time spent on professional development.”
Every solution, in one place, for your people
The Access Group's HCM division, Access People, offer an unrivalled suite of solutions for businesses, including HR and Payroll, Absence Management, Workforce Management, Compliance, Recruitment, Talent, Learning, Employee Benefits and Engagement, Health & Safety, all of which are underpinned by the powerful Access Workspace platform.
The Access Group is one of the leading providers of business management software to small and mid-sized organisations in the UK, Ireland, and Asia Pacific. We help over 100,000 customers across commercial and not-for-profit sectors become more productive and efficient.
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