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Access Charity CRM

Get a personalised tour of our powerful charity CRM.

Simply complete the form and one of our friendly professionals will get in touch to discuss exactly how the CRM can be implemented in your organisation to reach your goals.

Topics can include:

  • How the powerful search, analytics and marketing automation technologies can be deployed
  • Making income generation more predictable
  • Creating engaging campaigns and events
  • Building meaningful connections with your supporters
  • Sending the right messages at the right time
  • How to get around the simplified, intuitive interface

Why choose Access?

  • 2,000 not-for-profit organisations helped
  • 25 years supporting charities
  • £250m+ raised by our customers

Our charity CRM has a simplified interface, underpinned by robust data and analytics, that gives the rest of your team and wider stakeholders the ability to self-serve critical information freeing up your fundraising team to make an impact.

Get in touch today and take your organisation to the next level.

Connected donor journeys

Empowering fundraising teams

With Access Charity CRM you can:

  • Create engaging campaigns and events
  • Build strong connections with your supporters
  • Leverage our powerful search, analytics and marketing automation technologies
  • Identify and target donors with the right messages at the right time
  • Make income generation more predictable

Powerful features for your fundraising CRM

Fundraising Management

Multi-criteria segmentation makes it easy to create personalised and targeted multi-channel communications.

Donor Management

Track supporter interactions from one place – communications, donation history, event attendance and more.

Marketing Automation

Our powerful integration with Mailchimp leverages our data more effectively and ensures that donors are segmented and nurtured by triggering personalized journeys.

Event Management

Keeping you in control of event planning, delivery and reporting, we make it easy to create different ticket types, costs and payment categories.

Direct Debits

Access Paysuite simplifies your donor journey by reducing the risk of payment interruptions with manageable regular giving.

Reporting and Analytics

Make faster, more informed decisions with easy access to accurate data and tracking. Get an overview of performance or drill down into the detail for data driven planning.

Income and Gift Aid

Management of all income streams including grant funding and legacies. Calculate claims in seconds and submit at the click of a button. Easy income analysis and declaration processing

Calling application

Effortlessly contact your organisation's supporters to fundraise one-off or regular donations, keep them informed, and update their information while recording their consent.

See Access Charity CRM in action