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Key Stage 3 Curriculum.

Easy lesson planning. Independent learning. Join us in revolutionising the way students engage with Key Stage 3 curriculum!

If you're an educator looking for an innovative and comprehensive resource to enhance your teaching and support student learning, our Key Stage 3 learning content is the solution you've been looking for.

KS3 is a bundle of content within GCSEPod, the ultimate digital learning solution for secondary schools. Giving you everything you need to help students from years 7-11 on their journey to GCSE success.

Trusted by over 1,700 subscribing schools

Our platform features comprehensive resources broken down into easily-digestible units and lessons, with a mix of audio-visual learning and formative assessment to enhance the learning experience. Our immersive and interactive design engages students in a way that traditional textbooks and classroom learning cannot match.

The ultimate digital learning solution

If you're an educator looking for an innovative and comprehensive resource to enhance your teaching and support student learning, our Key Stage 3 learning content is the solution you've been looking for.

KS3 is a bundle of content within GCSEPod, the ultimate digital learning solution for secondary schools. Giving you everything you need to help students from years 7-11 on their journey to GCSE success.

Trusted content crafted by expert educators and examiners

Build confidence

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while providing students with a thorough understanding of the materia

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Personalised learning experience

We provide a personalised and adaptive learning experience for students with all learning styles and abilities.

Reduce teacher workload

We have everything you need to deliver engaging lesson, build subject knowledge and ensure the learning sticks, all on one easy to use platform. Alleviate teacher burden by using the pre-prepared lessons, assignments and assessments with automated grading.

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Stretch and challenge

Our immersive and interactive design engages students in a way that traditional textbooks and classroom learning cannot match.

Explore features of our Key Stage 3 curriculum

Why customers love our Key Stage 3 curriculum

Engage your students like never before with our immersive and interactive content, surpassing traditional textbooks

Get in touch

If you're an educator looking for an innovative and comprehensive resource to enhance your teaching and support student learning, our Key Stage 3 learning content is the solution you've been looking for.