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Curriculum & assessment

Award-winning content, assessment & analytics  

Book an online demo to see how learning content and assessment can…

  • Improve learner outcomes
  • Reduce your workload
  • Evidence attainment

Our education experts will assess your individual needs to find out how our learning content and assessment can make the biggest impact on your establishment.


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Trusted by over 1,700 subscribing schools

Providing the highest-quality Key Stage 3, GCSE and IGCSE content and assessment, teachers know they can rely on us to reduce their workload and help their students achieve more. 

GCSEPod brings together the key elements of content, assessment, and data all on one platform, offering subscribers award-winning, expert-led teaching resources combined with essential monitoring and reporting.

Benefits of our GCSE content and GCSE assessment platform

Build confidence

Subject knowledge in in delivered in 2-5 minutes pods. Flip the class and have students come to lessons ready with topic knowledge.

Reduce stress

Helps students stay in control. Filtered by exam board, they know exactly what to learn and can work their way through the curriculum.

Promote independence

It's like having a teacher in your pocket 24/7. Learn on-the-go, anytime, anywhere. Check & Challenge test their knowledge and boost playlist fill any gaps

Stretch and challenge

No other resource contains the level and quality of our functionality. Plus, with 30+ subjects we bring your whole school together one learning environment for all subjects.

Reduces workload

With ready-made lessons, homework and assessment with the marking done for you. Lesson-planning is made simple.

Content you can trust

Our content is created by expert teachers and examiners.

Clear reporting

Provides valuable data on student progress and attainment. 

All resources in one place

Helping you to Teach, Assess, Monitor and Progress.

GCSEPod is proven to help students achieve one grade higher on average than non-users

Key features of our GCSE content and GCSE assessment platform

Students can either work through the GCSE content independently or their learning journey can be dictated by their teacher who can set assignments, recommend content, and mark summative assessments online.