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Budget software for MATs

Centralise planning and reporting across your trust

  • Real-time data: Stay up-to-date with real-time budget planning and actuals data.
  • Trust and academy level view: Shared understanding of budgets by both the Trust and Academies thanks to a two-way flow of data.
  • Clear decision making: Make clear decisions with actionable insights for both standard and 'what-if' scenarios.

1,000+ MATs trust our budgeting software

Access Education Budgets is scalable and will save your trust money through increased efficiencies and the ability to add unlimited users at no extra cost.

Centralised planning and reporting across your trust

Say goodbye to repetitive manual tasks and data entry, and welcome unbeatable consistency and clarity into your financial processes.

  • Real-time data: Stay up-to-date with real-time budget planning and actuals data.
  • Trust and academy level view: Shared understanding of budgets by both the Trust and Academies thanks to a two-way flow of data.
  • Clear decision making: Make clear decisions with actionable insights for both standard and 'what-if' scenarios.

Five key benefits of centralisation for MATs

In this article, we shed light on those benefits and introduce you to Access Central Budgets, a workspace-based tool that empowers MATs to efficiently manage and control various elements of Education Budgets from a central level, cutting down duplicated efforts across Trust sites.

Say goodbye to repetitive manual tasks, and welcome unbeatable consistency & clarity

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Access Education Budgets

Access Education Central Budgets

Centralised planning and reporting across your trust to meet Academy and Trust level requirements, providing views at both levels. 

Consolidated and elevated view of multiple establishments across your whole Trust.

Take control of your MAT's financial future with our budgeting software and say goodbye to repetitive manual tasks. 

See the software in action in a no obligation demo.

Trusted by 1,000+ MATs across the UK