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How to give remote workers the visibility that they need

Richard Owen

Customer Relationship Management Expert

In the dash to shift many workers from office-based to remote, have we ensured their (and their loves ones') security as well as health and safety? Have we ensured they have everything they need to do their jobs as efficiently and productively as they would be in the office, or just made sure they can work any way they can? For those whose roles are central to customer relationships, we need our remote teams to work as a well-oiled machine more than ever before.

Flexible working isn’t just a by-product of Covid-19. It’s been a growing shift for quite some time, which has now gained momentum. With that, we need to ensure that our customers still experience positive, insightful and efficient processes, without jeopardising the wellbeing of our workforce.

Now that remote working is bedding down into a new kind of normal, it’s time to take stock and look at how you can give your remote workers the visibility they need to give customers what they expect.

CRM is the solution, but it’s a matter of how

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is how utmost visibility can be given to remote workers. It enables them to see customer data and work with it effectively, efficiently and in a way which ensures the customer is none the wiser to remote working realities.

However, it’s not enough to just turn to software blindly, without considering the additional challenges remote working poses for CRM.

Central to this, is security.

CRM security for remote workers

With the advent of GDPR, we are all familiar with the care we need to take around customer data. What you’re probably less familiar with is how this translates when your CRM system is now accessible from multiple locations, all dependent on the security practices of individual employees.

A new approach needs to be adopted. This should include educating your workforce on the dangers of gaining visibility via systems accessed remotely. For example, where is their open laptop left? Do they know the risks of using public Wi-Fi?

CRM practicalities for remote workers

Beyond this, employers need to consider if remote teams are genuinely well-equipped for CRM from home or a remote location. Many employers are currently relying on the goodwill of employees in terms of utilising their broadband, equipment and more.

With a longer term shift, it’s vital that employers look at how their workforce is operating and what they may need. This includes everything from decent internet bandwidth on a secured network, through to access to VPN and hardware loaded with the relevant apps and software. If you don’t have a VPN, it’s paramount to get this organised as a priority.

Be thorough

The best solution is to take a uniform approach. Consider customer visibility a primary goal for protecting and growing your business in these turbulent times.

The place to start is with your CRM and ensuring that employees can access it and use it both securely and effectively. Beyond this, you’ll need to work closely with your IT staff to ensure that the system doesn’t just exist, but is accessible and secure for each and every remote worker.

There should be a checklist in place for each employee to ensure they are equipped not just in terms of equipment but also in terms of knowledge and a working environment that is suitable. Core to the success of this is excellent communication. For example, can your remote worker confidently share with you their difficulties finding a space that is quiet and free from distractions?

It takes concerted and constructive effort from management to ensure that each remote worker can gain visibility, do so securely, and ensure the wellbeing of customer relationships going forwards.