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Why implementing HR software can help you avoid a horror story

Mark Jorgensen

HR Industry Specialist

As custodians of so much employee and business data, it’s no wonder HR managers get a bit twitchy at the thought of giving up familiar manual processes in favour of new HR software.

But consider the nightmares that can be caused by systems that rely heavily on paper record-keeping. Losing or misplacing files or information? Confidentiality breaches? Problems keeping multiple records updated between departments such as payroll?

Eeek! Now that really could cause a nightmare!

Though as with many things in the working world, if you choose the right solution and the right partner, HR software can bring an end to all those manual system nightmares. But bear in mind that a successful implementation will require a commitment to engaging in the process, playing your part (as an organisation) and having a clear and realistic assessment of what you need, what you’ll use, and what your priorities are.

So, why take the leap?

Unrivalled return on investment

HR software is nowhere near as ‘big ticket’ as it used to be. Technology costs have come down massively thanks to developments such as cloud hosting; plus, there are providers in the HR software space that have fine-tuned and honed their offerings to cater to the way HR teams actually work in the real world. The result is a much better understanding from the outset of what is needed, along with clever solutions which make the most of the latest technology. All of that means a system that really fits with your organisation and is much more accessible – with a cost that is infinitely more manageable.

Better data protection

Everyone has heard a horror story at some point in their career about employee information being lost, security being breached or other unexpected consequences that can be traced back to inefficient processes or human error. HR software offers much more effective and secure data management; it also makes it really easy for you to comply with legislation such as GDPR and other industry regulations you may have.

Transferring data onto a new system is nothing to worry about either. Any HR software partner worth their salt will advise on how best to do this and not only know exactly what to do to protect your systems and information but they’ll also likely be familiar with any existing technology you may have too. Plus, they’ll have failsafe protocols built into their processes to ensure all risks are mitigated. This can include a ring-fenced ‘go live’, for example, as well as regular automated back-ups.  

User experience improvements

After the dust has settled and the new system goes live, how do you ensure users transition smoothly to new ways of working? The answer is to incorporate your users into the solution design and implementation process. Involve them early on, acknowledge their needs and wants, manage their expectations, and show them how their lives will be made easier. Getting buy-in from users along the way is key to project success. They’ll feel part of the journey and involved, rather than simply having something different (and therefore scary) imposed on them.

Need help persuading the board for investment in HR technology?

Whilst we’ve already outlined some pretty frightening reasons why unwieldy spreadsheets and mountains of paper documents will no longer cut the mustard when it comes to modern HR – how can you make a strong case to the board? Here are our three top tips:

  1. Don’t make your case using anecdotal examples or negativity. Instead, build a body of evidence of the specific issues you are facing and their impact on the business. Prepare clear examples of inefficient processes that take too long and have an accuracy risk. Extrapolate how the company is impacted if/when staff numbers increase.

  2. Quantify the cost of doing nothing. Turn wasted hours spent into a people cost; quantify the risks and penalties of a potential data breach; assess the cost of wasted resources; look at the value of missed opportunities with recruitment or staff churn.

  3. Now outline the time savings and corresponding monetary value that could be gained by introducing a new, more efficient HR system. Don’t forget to specify the many time-consuming tasks you do which can be automated. And assign a financial benefit to new capabilities such as responding to data requests or compliance requirements quickly or creating useful and insightful management reports for the board.

One last thought…

Consider this: if your current systems are already creaking at the seams, any current issues you are experiencing will only become bigger as your organisation and workforce grow. Do nothing and you are guaranteed to be unprepared when things get even busier in future – not a particularly pleasant prospect.

Avoid sleepwalking into your own HR horror story and take a look today at how HR software from us can help you. As a potential partner with masses of experience and a market-leading solution, the Access People solutions suite is a proven choice.

Download an HR and payroll software brochure or get in touch with us to see a demo for yourself and how we can help your organisation.