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What’s in store for HR managers in 2020?

Mark Jorgensen

HR Industry Specialist

The world of HR is constantly changing and 2020 looks set to continue in that vein with various challenges on the horizon. We’ve picked three and looked at what HR managers could do now to avoid being taken by surprise and to identify potential new opportunities for being more effective.

IR35 is almost here

HR and Payroll have to be closely aligned to work effectively, especially when there are changing legal requirements. The impending IR35 changes are probably taking up more time in the Payroll team pre-April 2020 as they work to ensure compliance. But for HR, now is also a good time to look more closely at the company approach to taking on contractors and ensure that hiring practices reflect the latest rules – rather than simply causing any existing issues to continue.

HR and Payroll will also need to work together to ensure that data held on current and previous employed and contracted workers is up-to-date and reported correctly. Getting specific elements wrong such as sickness absence, benefits or overtime can have serious consequences under the new rules so take time to ensure the information held is entirely accurate. Modern HR systems and compatible payroll software will make this much easier of course.


Artificial intelligence is coming

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already beginning to make an impact on how process-oriented roles are carried out in the workplace and is expected to build throughout the coming decade.

There is plenty of commentary available for HR managers to access and get up-to-speed on the expected changes as thought leaders and business commentators have been vocal about what’s coming. Take a look at the impact of automation published by PWC for example as this suggests that the first real push for change is happening in this decade and is starting to impact jobs now.


Knowing in advance how working environments and functions are likely to change over the longer term puts HR leaders in a stronger position. Now is the time to plan workforce training and upskilling programmes for existing staff so that as their roles change and evolve, your people will be prepared to adjust to new responsibilities. Obviously, AI will primarily impact those tasks which can be automated; so people and technology skills (rather than admin for example) will be more in demand in the future. Clearly using software with staff training and development features to plan widescale workforce upskilling is not only faster and more effective, it’s also very appropriate in the context of AI.


Improving employee experience

HR managers have been measuring and improving employee engagement for some time – but now the latest trend is to enhance employee experience (EX). So, what’s the difference? Put simply, employee experience has a wider remit, covering every touchpoint in the employee lifecycle with your business – from effective onboarding to the day-to-day physical environment, from company technology, tools and systems to company culture. It also goes further, taking account of individual physical, emotional, professional and financial wellbeing. Effectively employee experience puts the employee perspective at the forefront of HR and management thinking, so that business decisions also consider how employees will respond to what they see and experience every day.

HR can start by adopting this new employee-centric mindset and getting a feel for how employees currently perceive their working world. Modern HR systems often include easy tools for surveying the workforce which is a good place to start. Consider the various environments and facilities, the tools they use to do their jobs, the culture they are part of, working practices, teams and relationships, wellbeing… It’s a long list! Done correctly, this kind of assessment opens up a host of new opportunities to improve not just engagement but also mental health and wellbeing, as well as productivity and efficiency. All of which can lead to significant business benefits.


If you want to make an impact in 2020 by pushing ahead with these challenges (or others) then take a look at the latest technology tools available to you. Access People Solutions offer numerous benefits for HR managers seeking to address modern challenges and improve employee experience. You can also download our brochure to find out more.