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What is green IT, and how can it save you money?

Ed Thornbury

Cloud Hosting Specialist

“Green IT” is a term for the plethora of environmental benefits that the cloud and other IT services can realise for society.

There is a growing need to process, analyse and store masses of big data and support increasingly complex workloads and applications.

Traditional data centres are already expending vast amounts of energy to complete these tasks, and there is mounting pressure from business, industry and governments to adopt more efficient management solutions.

This is where Green IT comes in. The global market for green data centres is set to reach $25bn (£19bn) by the middle of the next decade.

Going green is fine, but how does reducing your carbon footprint actually help your business?

  • The Smart 2020 report estimates that energy-efficient IT will drive $946.5bn (£720.5bn) in cost savings within five years.
  • The cloud underpins the greener future. Larger businesses can cut carbon emissions and energy use by up to 60% when migrating to the cloud. Lower energy costs help your bottom line.
  • The cloud is more sustainable, flexible and cost-effective than on-premise infrastructure. You will be able to leverage a cloud provider’s architecture, which will empower you to expand and grow as and when you see fit. There is no need for large investments in static hardware.
  • Cloud providers are at the forefront of the low emission drive. Access Alto’s world-class data centres, resource virtualisation and commitment to innovation reduce the impact of tech on the environment. You benefit in a multitude of ways just by working with us.
  • The green cloud supports digital transformation, GDPR, compliance obligations, cyber security challenges and energy-efficient solutions.

Green IT lends itself to minimalism and the desire to make the most effective use of a pool of resources.

Opting for one-size-fits-all cloud solutions can often result in inefficiencies, waste and overspending. The green cloud can be part of a wider business culture centred around streamlined, leaner operations and removing unnecessary processes.

“Leaner companies are much cheaper to run, so even if you aren’t a one-person business, the more you can cut extraneous costs or mindsets, the better your business will run, and [the] more profit it will create with the same amount of gross revenue,” author and designer Paul Jarvis said.

The cloud is inherently agile and scalable, making it one of the best investments for any business looking to “go green.”

Looking to migrate to the cloud or looking for alternative providers? Get in touch today.