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Product Update - Access Charity CRM

Andy Campbell

Head of Product

In this article we've called upon the expertise of Access NFP Head of Product, Andy Campbell. Our aim is to outline the latest updates and improvements made to Access Charity CRM (formerly thankQ CRM).

API Improvements

A lot of our recent work has surrounded API enhancements, enabling Access Charity CRM to more easily link to other products in our NFP suite, as well as complimentary third-party offerings.

An API (application programming interface) is an interface or communication protocol between two pieces of software. There are four specific areas that we have been focusing on with this work:

Data Migration

  • Reduce implementation time and cost
  • Improve the data migration process


  • Improve web functionality for engaging with supporters.

Systems API

  • Support Access connectors
  • Support third party integrations
  • Data cleaning


  • Automate processes within other applications


Integration with newly acquired Access products

On top of the above, we have worked on integrations for Access Charity CRM and a number of newly acquired Access NFP products. Each of these offer benefits to Access Charity CRM users, as outlined below:


  • Over 20 years of experience providing technology-led payments services to the NFP sector
  • Direct Debit Managed service
  • Online Direct Debits (eDirectDebit)
  • Online fundraising (donation pages/mass participant events/In-Celebration)
  • Only enter direct debit information to one system and transfer of information is then automated
  • Read more about Rapidata integration here


  • Market-leading suite of tools to create powerful interactive websites which enable effective fundraising
  • Currently enables 900 customers to create engaging digital presence, raising tens of millions of pounds and supporting a wider impact for charities.
  • Powerful Google Ad Grants Marketing tools to boost visitors to your site using Google’s $120,000 charity grant.
  • Automatic capture and transfer from RaisingIT website platform into Access Charity CRM of data such as:
    • New Contacts
    • Consent/Do Not Contact
    • Gift Aid declarations
    • Donations
    • Regular donations – collected and managed within Joyful, records then transferred into Access Charity CRM

Integration with 3rd Party Products

JustGiving Consent


  • Updated consent statements when someone donates or creates a fundraising page on JustGiving to give email consent
  • Two new library definitions added to the product:
    • ‘JustGivingConsentFundraisingPurpose’ will define the purpose for consent recorded against a fundraising page
    • ‘JustGivingConsentDonationPurpose’ will define the purpose for consent recorded against a donation
  • Released with blank library definitions – No consent will be created until populated
  • Email consent will be recorded against the purpose on import:
    • If older consent exists, it will be updated
    • If newer consent exists, it will be added to the history
  • As per the statements, consent is for email only:
    • Status will be set to ‘Granted’ or ‘Declined’ depending on value ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
    • For other methods – mail, phone or SMS, the consent status will be ‘Not Requested’


Performance quality and usability

Based on feedback and constant monitoring, we have updated several smaller features within Access Charity CRM which will positively impact performance, quality and usability, as detailed below:

  • Performance for large data sets – Global update & De-duping: Global de-dupe will now run in the background overnight so no longer need to run manually. Manual run still possible if necessary.
  • Contact new payment forms: If new payment created from contact now has full functionality of main payment form.
  • Disable contact pane for add-ins: if using email add-in, can switch off contact pane.
  • Pledge collections: Can now set date later than 28th of month or select ‘Last Day’ for last day of each month.
  • Bulk write-off: Can now select multiple active pledge records to write-off.
  • Web support option will now lead directly to community page
  • Added ‘Last logged in’ to User entity, so that can be reported on through dashboard
  • Added ability to import multiple consent records per contact

Beta Releases

Along with all our finalised releases and updates, we also have a couple of features in beta testing. These features are being constantly tweaked and updated but are available for users to try now. All feedback is greatly appreciated on any of our Beta releases, as this helps us continually improve new features.

Collection Boxes

  • Appears under ‘Fundraising’
  • Simplification of the module with a new form to register the details of the box
  • Can check out to individual and give a location
  • When check in will allow to create new payment. Will pre-populate the information against the contact.
  • Can check record of payments against the box
  • Can plot all collection boxes on a map

Taking in-app payments

  • Can use WorldPay or Sage Pay
  • Option given once payment saved in Access Charity CRM
  • Enter details directly in Access Charity CRM, and collection will be made through Sage Pay or World Pay
  • Embedded window within application, so no card details will be saved within Access Charity CRM – similar to a web browser



We're aiming to provide more regular updates on both Access Charity CRM and the Access NFP suite of products as a whole in the coming months. If you have any questions on any of the above or would like any more information, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your account manager.