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Meet our NFP Team: 5 minutes with Suzy Cornwell Ball

Lindsay Millar Waight

Charity Software Specialist

What is your job role at Access NFP?

I am the Access thankQ trainer – so I go around the country training charities and their staff on how to get the best out of their CRM, whether they are a fundraising charity or a membership charity – although obviously not when in lockdown!

Now we are in lockdown I am delivering the training courses via webinars – AKA the new normal!

How long have you worked for Access? 

I used to be a project manager for a business which I helped start up and run for 13 years and this company was employed by the Access Group to write a manual for thankQ CRM.

I then worked for Unltd, resourcing social entrepreneurs as a development manager  - in our office to manage the social entrepreneurs we used Access thankQ.  I moved on to becme a business adviser for social enterprises, turning my hand to helping the long term unemployed by redeveloping some of my existing workshops.

I am proud to say I then got headhunted for Access via LinkedIn. I think all the jobs I have ever done have led me to this pinnacle in my career and I am so happy to do this job and help charities around the country. This was my goal and I achieved it!

What do you love most about what you do? 

Helping charities.

What are you passionate about?

Helping charities and making the world a better place to live in (in my personal life I dabble in a spot of politics). Outside of work I am passionate about people, my family and my friends.

What is your favourite food or drink?

Huh! Sore subject…. I like my food and drink a bit too much! Next time we go to Spain (our annual Access Group staff holiday) there will be a lot less of me!

What excites you about the NFP sector?

I am passionate about the charity sector and helping charities to become sustainable. If I can make the training session fun and enable the staff to learn in an excellent learning environment and empower the staff to make their charity more sustainable then I have done my job!

Do you have a top tip for charities?

Empower your staff to learn a system. Without training, many hours are often wasted trying to work things out. The return on investment is proven to “free up their time to do more” of what the charity need them to do – whether that is to raise money or increase visibility for an issue.