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Maximising Gift Aid impact with efficient claims

Charities are potentially missing out on millions of pounds each year due to unclaimed Gift Aid payments. This lost income, estimated to be around £560 million annually, could significantly boost a charity’s ability to fund projects and support their causes.

With the right tools and strategies, your charity can ensure that every eligible donation benefits from Gift Aid. Here are some top tips on how to maximise Gift Aid claims and recover any missed payments.

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Posted 26/06/2024

Understanding the impact of unclaimed Gift Aid

Gift Aid allows charities to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated by UK taxpayers, at no additional cost to the donor. However, many organisations fail to claim this due to administrative challenges or lack of awareness. The Charity Tax Group (CTG) highlights the need for a more automated system, yet there are steps charities can take now to improve their claim processes.

Success Stories with The Access Group

Charities using The Access Group’s charity management software have successfully reclaimed substantial amounts of Gift Aid. For instance, one charity recovered nearly £25,000 in previously unclaimed payments, while another reclaimed £5,000 after efficient processing. These successes demonstrate the potential for significant financial benefits with the right approach.

Top tips for maximising Gift Aid claims

  1. Ensure Donor Declarations: Make sure that donors complete a Gift Aid declaration form at the time of donation. This form authorises your charity to claim Gift Aid on their donations.
  2. Educate Donors: Inform your supporters about the benefits of Gift Aid and encourage them to opt-in. Provide clear, easy-to-understand information on how their donations can go further.
  3. Utilise Technology: Use charity management software, like The Access Group’s solutions, to automate and streamline the Gift Aid claim process. These tools can help track donations and ensure that all eligible contributions are claimed.
  4. Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your donations to identify any missed opportunities for Gift Aid claims. Reviewing past donations can uncover significant amounts of unclaimed funds.
  5.  Train Your Team: Ensure that your staff and volunteers are trained on Gift Aid rules and processes. A well-informed team can effectively manage declarations and claims, reducing the risk of missed claims.
  6. Simplify the Process: Make it easy for donors to complete Gift Aid declarations by incorporating them into your online donation forms and providing clear instructions.

Reclaiming missing Gift Aid

If your charity has missed out on Gift Aid claims in the past, there are ways to recover these funds. The Access Group’s Premier Success Plan has helped numerous charities reclaim substantial amounts of missed Gift Aid. By working with customer success teams, organisations can identify and claim back funds from previous years.

Richard Harrington, Head of Membership at Garden Organic, shared how their charity benefited from The Access Group’s support:

"The Access Group helped us identify several ways that we could make our Gift Aid processing more efficient and robust. The required work to claim these was little more than a regular administrative exercise and the results were immediate."


Maximising Gift Aid claims can provide a significant financial boost for charities, enabling them to support more projects and make a greater impact. By implementing efficient processes, leveraging technology, and educating both donors and staff, your organisation can ensure that every eligible donation benefits from Gift Aid.

For more detailed guidance, read: Gift Aid Rules for charities: The definitive guide to Gift Aid for charities.

How Access Charity CRM can help

Access Charity CRM is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline and enhance your charity's operations. This powerful tool helps manage donor relationships, track contributions, and ensure no Gift Aid opportunities are missed. By centralising donor information and automating the Gift Aid claim process, Access Charity CRM reduces administrative burdens and improves accuracy. The system’s intuitive interface makes it easy for staff to use, allowing your charity to focus more on its mission and less on paperwork. With Access Charity CRM, you can maximise donations, increase efficiency, and ensure that your organisation capitalises on every available Gift Aid claim, ultimately boosting your financial resources and impact.

To learn more about how The Access Group can support your charity, visit