1. Hunt out a little fundraising inspiration
Are you getting tired of business as usual? Why not take this chance to check out some of the campaigns, appeals and partnerships that have made their mark – not just in 2021, but in the days of fundraising past. If you’re unsure of where to start, we recommend browsing the archives at SOFII and losing yourself in their labyrinth of fundraising gems. There’s no better way to get those creative juices flowing, and if you’ve got a few hours to spare why not ask for access to one of their famed IWITOT (I Wish I’d Thought of That) events and treat your team to a screening.
2. Marie Kondo your workspace
If a tidy home makes for a tidy mind, then so does a tidy workspace. We know what it’s like when you work in fundraising. Donation buckets. Pop-up banners. Christmas cards. It’s so easy for your office to become a bit of a jungle, especially if you’ve had to create a make-shift one at home. Turn off your computer. Put on your favourite playlist and get tidying. Okay, so it’s work and it might not always give you joy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t recycle some clutter, reorganise your files, and archive old materials. You’ll feel a thousand times better, more clear-headed and ready to tackle the year ahead.
3. Do a deep dive into your data
Good fundraising will always come back to good data management. We’re sure you’ve got all the basic reports set up, but how often do you give yourself the space to dig a little deeper? It doesn’t matter if it’s social media or web analytics, individual giving trends, retention, attrition or return on investment - take a deep breath and dive into an area that interests you. There are sure to be some valuable lessons hidden just beneath the surface that will help you grow and evolve your fundraising strategy in 2022.
4. Re-sketch your donor portraits
A lot has changed these last 12 months, including the way people give. With more donors going cashless and older generations getting into online giving and social media, chances are the portrait of your typical charity donor has – and is – changing. Don’t tie yourself to old assumptions. Now is the perfect time to refresh, re-categorise and re-sketch your donor portraits. Look at your data, what is it telling you about your donor demographics, their preferred way to give, motivations, professional details and networks? Is it consistent with past donor portraits, or is it showing you something new? Something you hadn’t noticed before?
5. Tune into upcoming trends
The digital world is always changing and it can be hard to keep up with current trends. So why not use this time to do a little landscape scanning? From contactless donations to QR codes, chatbots and hybrid fundraising, 2022 is looking set to be another rollercoaster of a year. Get ready to ride it. Take some time to do a little research and familiarise yourself with upcoming trends and potential disruptions. Audit your subscriptions and make sure you’ve got relevant updates and sector news hitting your inbox regularly.
6. Remind yourself why
Fundraising is never really just a job. People go into it for a reason. But when the pressure is on and targets are high, it can be all too easy to forget your ‘why’. Now is the time to remind yourself. You could look back and re-read some of your favourite case studies and stories, or testimonials and notes from your service users. Better yet, talk to your team. Ask people to write down the best moments and memories from the year and take some time to share them with each other. There’s no agenda. No ‘To do’ list. Just the space to talk, laugh and remember why it is you do what you do.
7. Step outside your fundraising box
Have you ever looked at another charity’s campaign or corporate partnership in wonder? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. It’s time to turn the tables. We know that any innovation comes with a level of risk and that this needs to be carefully managed. But that shouldn’t stop you from thinking big. So put reason (and budgets) aside for a few hours and create a wish list of donors, funders, partners and projects that make you hop up and down with excitement. Once the ideas are rolling you’ll find it hard to stop. You never know when you might hit on an idea or project that will go the distance!
There you have it. Before you know what’s happened, the year will be over. So use this time wisely and give yourself the space to start 2022 in the right way. Because when you’re feeling refreshed, revitalised and inspired, your passion and enthusiasm are sure to shine through.
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