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Customer Story: Dorothy House Retail Volunteering

Effortless charity retail volunteering with Access Assemble

Unlock the full potential of your charity retail shop with Access Assemble! This video highlights how Access Assemble revolutionises volunteer management, speeding up recruitment, simplifying volunteer tasks, and empowering Shop Managers with a clear view of their staff. Discover the benefits for your charity retail shop today.

Not For Profit 4 minutes
By James Vjestica Thought Leadership Expert Posted 17/07/2024

In this video, Dorothy House shares their inspiring story of transformation through Access Assemble. Dorothy House, an adult hospice, relies heavily on its retail arm for funding, with volunteers playing a crucial role. They chose Access Assemble for its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with their website, enabling efficient volunteer recruitment and management.

Key takeaways from the video

"Access Assemble has drastically reduced the time we spend on recruitment," says Rachel Stewart, Head of Volunteering at Dorothy House.

"Our volunteers find it much easier to log their hours and tasks," notes Tanya, a volunteer.

"We now have a comprehensive view of our volunteer workforce, which helps us plan better," adds Sarah Campaign, the Retail Volunteer Support Officer.

About Access Assemble

Access Assemble is a leading volunteer management software designed to simplify and enhance the way organisations recruit, manage, and retain volunteers. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Access Assemble helps charities and non-profits optimise their volunteer programs, ensuring a seamless experience for both managers and volunteers. For more information, click here.

Key benefits for charity retail shops investing in Access Assemble

  • Accelerates the volunteer recruitment process
  • Simplifies volunteer task management
  • Provides clear visibility of volunteer hours and activities
  • Enhances volunteer engagement and retention
  • Streamlines communication between managers and volunteers
  • Offers a competitive pricing model

Ready to revolutionise your charity retail shop's volunteer management? Discover how Access Assemble can transform your operations and volunteer experience. Visit volunteer management software.

To hear the full Dorothy House customer story and how Access Assemble has helped transform volunteer coordination click here.

By James Vjestica

Thought Leadership Expert

Meet James Vjestica, our ‘Digital Content Manager’ for the Not For Profit division. James has spent over 5 years working with software providers who supply specialist solutions that enhance the processes of organisations within niche sectors.

In addition to his technical experience, James has been affiliated with the Not For Profit sector at key stages of his career. This has included participating in a voluntary role at a local hospice prior to attending University, and upon graduating, accepting a role for a Social Enterprise in North Nottingham that supported members of the community to gain employment.

These roles highlighted the importance that organisations within the Not For Profit sector play, which has since inspired him to raise money for charity on several occasions.

At Access, James now draws on these experiences to consistently strategise content campaigns that will guide you through insightful journeys; clearly outlining pain points, how these obstacles can be tackled, and introducing viable solutions.