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Creative Confidence Webinar Series: In partnership with We are Radikl

Alex Wortley

Charity Website Specialist

For those of us who didn’t believe ourselves to be creatively inclined, or a real ideas generator, the last couple of weeks have probably been quite the challenge. With the world of work turned upside down as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak, organisations worldwide have had to think creatively about how to maintain their revenue streams at a time of great challenge.

It’s a time where the risk takers among us, those with no self-limiting beliefs, will revel in producing a stream of ideas and solutions ready to combat all challenges in front of them.

With creative confidence now more important than ever, The Access Group, in partnership with We are Radikl, are presenting a series of 4 webinars exploring the concept of Creative Confidence, how to fuel expansive thinking, taking ideas to action and re-framing self-limiting beliefs.

Who are We are Radikl?

Founded 18 months ago by Claire Dunn & Sarah King, 'we are radikl' exists to disrupt the gender imbalance that exists within the world of entrepreneurship. With careers spanning the Corporate, Public and Entrepreneurial worlds, Claire and Sarah are no strangers to thinking and working creatively to solve problems and seek out new opportunities. 

The impact of the Coronavirus breakout means everyone - regardless of sector, type or size of organisation - is having to think and work differently.  As a micro-business this is as true for the co-Founders of 'we are radikl' as it is for everyone.

That's why when they started redesigning their plans as a result of Covid19 they decided that they wanted to Partner with organisations to bring their experience and expertise in Design Thinking and Creative Confidence to as wide an audience as possible because as Claire describes  "if ever there was a time to fuel people's belief in their ability to solve problems, that time is now"


What is creative confidence?

When 'we are radikl' talk about Creative Confidence they're describing our natural ability to have ideas and to try them out.  This form of Creativity is focused on problem solving and seeking out new opportunities - something we all do, all the time we just don't necessarily recognise that we're doing it

Sarah from We are Radikl goes on to expand on this a little: 

"When you share this definition of Creativity with people and help them to recognise that they're in control of creating the conditions for Creativity to flourish more often than not you witness a lightbulb moment.” 

“There's something very empowering - even at times like this - in recognising that we all have an innate ability to design our way through it all. It doesn't mean it will be easy and there's no guarantee of 'success' but without a doubt Creative Confidence gives us a tried, tested and repeatable approach for navigating the whole experience positively.”


Managing the current climate

Right now, we face an unprecedented level of uncertainty and risk. It would be incredibly easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck by these set of circumstances and of course we need to allow ourselves moments to process the enormity of it all. 

We are Radikl believe however that practicing a set of behaviours - which are accessible to us all - not only creates the opportunity in the not for profit sector to find a way to serve our supporters well, but to do it in such a way which creates space for a positive, uplifting mindset which is able to balance that sense of "what should I do next".


Webinar Details

As mentioned, we’re delighted to be bringing you a series of four webinars, over two weeks, aimed at building creative confidence and arming you with the tools you need to succeed.

Each webinar will last around 40 minutes with time for Q&A.


Webinar 1 – Tuesday 21st April: 2pm – Why creative confidence matters now more than ever

Webinar 2 – Thursday 23rd April: 2pm – Deep Dive; Fuelling expansive thinking

Webinar 3 – Tuesday 28th April: 2pm – Deep Dive; From ideas to action

Webinar 4 – Thursday 30th April: 2pm – Deep Dive; Reframing self-limiting beliefs


Sign up to the webinar series


About the host

Sarah is a passionate advocate for helping people to realise their creative potential.  She is practiced in how to design workplaces and cultures which enable people to creatively thrive. A Design Thinking practitioner Sarah has worked with organisations such as Red Bull, UK Sport, Penguin Random House, Juno (a charity which enables women and children to live free from abuse) and a collective of organisations who came together to share know-how and experience on Modern Day Slavery.

Alongside her co-founder Claire, Sarah is now using her experience to create a movement to address the gender imbalance that exists within the world of entrepreneurship. She is a Non-Executive Director for Inspire - a Charity delivering Culture, Learning and Library services across Nottinghamshire.