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What are the top 5 ‘must-have’ case management software features for larger law firms?

Jo Hunter

Legal Sector Marketing Specialist

The Access Legal team has many man-years of experience working with law firms. Some of our people have been in the sector for 3+ decades. Over the years, we have worked with all kinds of firms offering a wide range of legal services to private clients as well as commercial.

We have learned enough to know that no two firms’ needs are ever exactly the same, and that the complexities of different areas of law apply whether the firm is large or small. There is no carte blanche rule that says large firms handle high-volume caseloads that are all complex, and small firms handle fewer cases that are less complex. It simply doesn’t work like that. The importance of a robust and efficient case management is key for firms of all sizes. However, there are a few considerations for the larger firm should be looking for when searching for new legal case management software.

Whether your firm is large but handles relatively few very large cases, or a huge firm that handles volume cases, we understand your world. Here are what we, at Access Legal, believe are the top five must-haves for the larger firm:

1. Scalability

Larger law firms need case management software that can scale for larger caseloads and a rapidly growing number of users. Software that can scale means it can handle an increasing amount of data, users, or transactions without experiencing a significant decrease in performance.

The larger law firm needs case management software that can accommodate growth and handle larger caseloads as the needs of the business change over time. As firms grow needs change, and its chosen software must be able to scale to accommodate those changes.

Scalability can be achieved through a variety of techniques, such as load balancing, clustering, and partitioning, which allow a software system to distribute its workload across multiple servers or nodes. Case management software for large firms must offer high availability, to improve the overall user experience in terms of productivity.

2. Customisable workflows

Customisable workflows are beneficial for firms of all sizes. However, they are probably even more important for the larger Practice. If a large firm, with a high number of legal experts, cannot give its users the freedom to create tailored workflows that fit the unique needs of Practice, problematic bottlenecks will probably occur.

For software that can only be changed at the supplier end, by the suppliers’ programmers, it is unacceptable for heads of departments and key users at law firms to have to wait for workflows creation and changes. Customisable workflows are the way forward for the legal profession.

3. Advanced Search Performance

The larger the firm, of course the larger the volumes of data anticipated. When it comes to the search capabilities of a case management system, for a large law firm it’s all about performance. There is no argument that small firms handling complex cases need advanced search functionality just as much as larger firms do. But when it comes to search performance, there are several factors that can have an impact.

A software supplier that has designed its system with the larger firm in mind, will have taken into account the speed and capacity of the hardware in use at its datacentres, the architecture of the system, the indexing and caching mechanisms used, the use of parallel processing and distributed search, and the efficiency of its search algorithms.

CTOs planning to switch case management software will want to discuss all of these factors. Are you ready to switch your software to limitless case management?

4. Integration with other systems

Although law firms of all sizes can have multiple systems for different functions, the likelihood of larger law firms acquiring many disparate systems over the years are higher. A case management system with open architecture that can integrate with other systems easily should be high on the priority list for the larger firm, when searching for new software. Here are some technical boxes the CTO of a larger firm will wish to tick:

  • Open APIs: the case management software should provide open application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow for seamless integration with other systems. This allows for easy communication between the software system and other systems.

  • Standard data formats: any new software chosen should support standard data formats such as CSV, XML, and JSON, which make it easier to import and export data from other systems.

  • Customizable integrations: the new system should offer customisable integration options that allow for tailored integrations with specific systems, allowing for greater flexibility and control over the integration process.

  • Support for middleware: the new software should be able to integrate with middleware solutions such as enterprise service buses (ESBs), which facilitate communication between different systems by translating data formats and protocols.

5. Collaboration tools

The larger the law firm - the more chance of it having multiple lawyers working on a single case, sometimes across different offices or time zones.

A legal case management system with collaboration tools, such as a secure messaging system and a shared calendar, makes it easier for lawyers to communicate and collaborate effectively. For law firms, collaboration goes much further than this though. Today, firms tell us often that they want a single, clear view over their entire workplace, where they can see and get access to all of their people, processes and systems.

The more people, processes and systems a firm has, the more mission critical this becomes for productivity. To collaborate effectively, the ideal central software platform would include access to tools such as file sharing, cloud storage and knowledge management systems as well.

At Access legal, when it comes to software, we understand the needs of law firms. We also know that each firm has its own unique requirements and challenges. So, we have developed software solutions to cater for all of these scenarios. Whether you are a large law firm with multiple offices and thousands of employees, or a small growing practice with just a few specialist lawyers, we have the tools and expertise to help you.

Access Legal, part of the Access Group, offers software solutions are scalable, flexible, and customizable, and we tailor our case management workflows to meet the specific needs of your firm. We also provide excellent customer support to ensure that you get the most out of our software, no matter the size of your firm. With our software solutions, you can improve your productivity, streamline your workflows, and focus on what really matters – providing exceptional legal services to your clients.

If you would like to know more please feel free to download a brochure today, request a demonstration or book a consultation with a legal software expert.