Preparing Your Care Service
There are a few things you need to consider when preparing your care home for software implementation. As well as the essential hardware such as laptops, tablets and smartphones that you need to operate the new systems, having the right attitude and an efficient, well-organised plan in place is crucial for the successful completion of this project.
The software implementation will require plenty of time, patience from the entire team and careful planning. Fortunately, you can prepare everyone in advance to make the transition easier for you and your staff. Our guide on what you need to successfully implement care home software will provide you with in-depth information to help you get ready for your digitisation journey.
Remember, you can never be too prepared. Ensuring your business is fully equipped, organised and ready for the transition to digital software will make a huge difference when it comes to successful implementation. It will also reduce the amount of time it takes to fully implement and get the most out of your new care software while avoiding some of the common problems with care home software that can delay the process.
How to Stick to Your Digitisation Timeline
During preparation, several things can have a positive or negative impact on the timeline of your project. Here are a few things you should keep in mind, especially if you have deadlines to meet.
Dedicated Resources
You know your company better than the supplier and while they can offer you the help and support to digitise your business, you need to be as involved as possible in the process and dedicate a substantial amount of your time to it. Not following this step will cost you a lot of time and money and will cause frustration during the implementation process.
Unwelcomed Change
Digitisation is a significant change that some of your staff may not take too lightly. The training can affect their usual routine and day-to-day jobs and they will also need to adapt to a new way of working, using different tools and possibly role changes. This isn’t always welcome with open arms, so you need to highlight the benefits of the transition and get your staff enthusiastic about digitisation.
Change Management
Digitising your care service shouldn’t revolve around developing a modern technology-based solution and expecting your employees to get on with it. While choosing the right software provider can take a lot of the tech work off the managers' shoulders, change management needs to be an active part of the implementation processes. This ensures the shift to technology goes as smooth as possible.
Soft Launches
A soft launch or pilot run consists of launching your new technology around a month before the set deadline. This allows your staff to get comfortable with the software, familiarise themselves with the processes, and highlight any issues. Instant feedback means the system can be tweaked to improve them further. While this can make the critical launch less stressful and can make people feel more comfortable, it can also break the momentum of the project and leave staff questioning if it's going to work, especially if they’re not open to the change.
How Long Does it Take?
Making sure you have everything you need and preparing your care service is key for speeding up the implementation process, but how long does it really take? Several factors can affect the amount of time it takes to implement software and digitise a care business. These may or may not be in your control. Here are the main considerations that can affect the time software execution will take you.
Type of Software Implemented
From medication management to care planning software, there are many different types of care home software available. The amount of time it takes to implement software will vary as some are more complex than others. For example, care planning systems can take as little as 3 days to implement, whereas in most cases, a medication management system will require at least 29 days.
Remember, to get the most out of your software and improve its efficiency, you should ensure that all of the systems you choose can be integrated with one another. You should also follow the steps listed above to stick to your digitisation timeline.
As well as the type of software, other factors can slow down implementation. For example, rolling out systems one at a time usually takes longer as you have to cover each home individually. However, this may be the only option for those who don’t have adequate resources.
Another example is choosing when to implement multiple software. If you target one system at a time, it extends the unsettled period for your care service which can slow down the implementation process. When you implement multiple systems at the same time, it can be a lot of information and potentially overwhelming change at once, but it also means everyone can get back to work faster.
The Stability of Your Provider
The timeframe isn’t everything. Even if you have tight deadlines to meet, choosing low-quality software or an unstable provider that quotes a shorter implementation time may speed up the process, but it could cost you a lot of time, money and frustration in the long run.
On the other hand, personalised software can often take longer to develop and implement, but it will significantly benefit your staff and business and is more likely to be successful over time.
Size of the Business
The bigger the business, the longer implementation will take. This is because the management team will be expected to encourage and train more staff across multiple sites which could be located across the country or overseas. And they’ll have more residents to care for, plus information and data to transfer.
If a smaller care service that has a single care home or a handful located relatively near one another implements care software, communication will be easier, there will be less staff to train, fewer residents to worry about during training and there won’t be as much data to transfer.
Type of Care Business
The type of care business choosing to implement software can affect the amount of time it takes to become fully digital. This is mainly because it will influence the type of software that’s urgently needed, and it can affect the amount of time the staff have to attend training sessions.
For example, nursing homes will often prioritise medication management software, which requires more time to implement compared to other software.
The age of the business can also have a big impact on the implementation timeframe. Care businesses that have been around for longer will be more set in their ways, which can make it harder for them and their staff to switch over and adapt to digital systems. Therefore, it usually requires more time to do so.
Age and Attitude of Staff
The age and the attitude of your staff can significantly impact the time it takes to implement any kind of software. In general, older and more experienced members of staff will be less enthusiastic about the switch, as they will be used to a certain way of working and may be less tech-savvy.
The attitude of your staff can be difficult to determine and control. However, there are things you can do to make them feel positive about the change to a digital way of life.
You should tell them about the plan way before implementation takes place, keep them involved in decisions and provide them with plenty of support throughout the process. Making them aware of how the new systems will benefit their work life, their service users and their daily routine is also highly recommended and can have a huge impact on their attitude.
Support From Your Supplier
The support you receive from your supplier will have a big influence on your implementation timeframe. If you work with a supplier that isn’t very present or supportive during your transition to digital processes, then both management and staff may lack the understanding required to successfully implement care software. This can lead to confusion, delays and problems further down the line.
Train the Trainer vs. Software Provider-Led Implementation
The type of training you choose to go with can also impact how long things take. Your supplier may provide a trainer, which can be extremely useful for those who don’t have an internal training team. This approach consists of professionals coming into each individual home and training them as they go. While it may be more expensive, it’s a much more precise way to train the team, as there will always be a professional available to provide them with all of the information and support they need first-hand.
Another approach is to train the trainer. This is where professionals impart all of the skills and knowledge to an internal team. They then become self-sufficient to implement. While this is often a faster approach, it only works for select homes, such as those that have an internal training team. There are also further drawbacks, like if the trainer(s) are indisposed, off sick, covering other work, not experienced enough, etc. it could hinder the implementation process or pass on inaccurate knowledge.
The Right Software Speeds Up Implementation
To summarise, the amount of time it takes to implement care software will vary between care services. The type of software you go with, the size of your team and the business and the method of training you choose are just some of the factors that can speed up or slow down digitisation.
Preparing your business and your staff for the change will accelerate the transition. Just make sure you’re aware that some things that are out of your control could hinder the project timeline. Fully understanding all of these factors is key to success.
When it comes to moving to digital care records, you can learn much more with this free guide to digiting care records in residential care.
Whether the process goes smoothly or you run into a few difficulties, once implemented, your care service will be using efficient and reliable tools that will optimise and simplify processes, boost your employee fulfilment and improve your quality of care. If you’re looking to implement a personalised system from an established company that has over 30 years of experience, then you should look no further than Access Care Home Software.
From start-ups to national and international providers, we have helped thousands of care businesses implement care home software successfully. Our teams will create a personalised, structured and thorough implementation process to suit you. And they will be there every step of the way, offering years of experience and advice to positively guide you through the process. This will ensure your new software delivers maximum benefits and is tailored to meet the needs of your care service.
To learn more about our personalised care home systems and to start your journey to converting to digitised processes, book a demo or contact us today.