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How to manage absence across multiple offices (and countries)

Dan Mizon

Absence Management Expert

Although recent research has shown that absences in general have fallen in the workplace, there are still concerns with regards to the impact employee absences can have on a business. This can be even more of an issue when a company has offices in different locations, and also when these are in different countries.  However, it is possible to manage absences effectively without them having a detrimental effect.

Use data to your advantage

Looking out for trends in absences gives you a valuable chance to find patterns that could be addressed. For example, you may find that employees are absent more from a particular office or department, or when certain tasks are demanded of them. Finding out the reasons for absence can go a long way to preventing it.  Respecting privacy, all of this data should be available to departments where it is needed – such as management, HR and payroll. The world of technology brings us lots of data – and we should use it.

Make it alright to talk

If your employees have an issue with their work, colleagues or personal lives, it helps to be able to talk to management. This means that problems can be worked through, rather than avoided by taking time off work. A supportive atmosphere reduces likelihood of absence while improving job satisfaction and workplace morale – so it’s a worthwhile change to make. If absences are necessary, it should be made easy to report, as this makes it more likely that you will have better notice, rather than a last-minute phone call.

Communicate across sites

It can be difficult to stay in touch with all of your offices; even more so if they’re across different time zones. However it is vital, as relationships between co-workers, even if remote, are valuable. It helps to schedule meetings via phone or video call at least weekly. You should also ensure that all employees can access important documents or data, no matter which office they’re in. If all of your executives are based in one office, visiting other sites could be helpful.

Automate processes where possible

As a HR professional, your job may be complicated, so it is important to reduce pressure where possible. A great way to do this is to make processes automated whenever you can. Doing so gives you a much better chance of focussing on employees across all sites without being distracted by other tasks. This will really help to keep things running smoothly.


When you consider the impact absences can have on your business, it is clear that it is something to be addressed as soon as possible. Though having multiple sites can be difficult, with the right management and leveraging technology, everything can be dealt with, leaving you with a smooth-running company with lower absences levels. With TeamSeer by Access aCloud customers can easily manage absences and holiday bookings across multiple locations. Customers typically see a 25% reduction in sickness absence and on average, customers save £100,000 within a year of implementing the software.