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Expert tips on how to prepare your POS for Christmas

'Tis the season... for festive cheer and restaurant chaos.  

As you gear up for the Christmas rush crafting your menu, ordering supplies and planning your Christmas decor, don't forget to make sure your Point of Sale (POS) system is ready to handle the demand.  

At Access, we know that during the busiest and most profitable weeks of the year, your business can't afford system glitches, slow service, or frustrated customers.  

So, to help you handle the festive season with ease, we've gathered expert tips on how to prepare your POS for Christmas - from handling the increased amount of payments to boosting your revenue with the pre-programmed upsells.  

Posted 27/09/2024

Expert tips on how to prepare your POS for Christmas

Why is setting POS for Christmas important? 

Following the recent Oxford Partnership report, which took into account years 2022, 2023 and 2019 pre-pandemic sales levels, December 2024 is going to be a positive month for the industry with the rise in footfall, dwell time and increase in sales. Another study, though focused on retail, also suggests, that after the years impacted by the cost of living crisis and post-pandemic onset, customers will be in a position to spend more this year. 

Knowing this, you can expect how that surge in customer activity will translate for your business - in a higher volume of transactions, in a variety of payment methods and in a need to accommodate special offers and promotions. If your POS system isn't ready to handle that demand, in the best-case scenario, it will lead to bottlenecks and delays. In the worst-case scenario, an unprepared POS can result in system crashes, messed-up orders, stressed-out staff and frustrated customers. And let's not forget the financial impact that an unprepared POS can cause. 

To avoid these pitfalls and ensure a seamless customer experience, here are our expert tips to prepare your POS system for Christmas. 

1. Optimise your hardware and software  

Your hardware and software need to be in top condition to ensure you're ready to handle increased traffic during the holiday rush.  

Hardware health check  

Make sure your POS connects your whole restaurant, pub or bar, from terminals and printers to card readers and scanners, and that all these elements are in good working condition. Now is also the time to replace any worn-out or outdated equipment to avoid malfunctions during peak hours. 

Software updates and compatibility  

Your software also needs to be ready for an increased amount of items, offers and transactions, so to make sure you're not threatened by any system updates during peak time or bugs that can slow your service down, update the system early. You might also want to double-check and confirm that your POS is compatible with other critical systems like purchase-to-pay software, pay-at-table technology and online ordering platforms to ensure seamless operations. 

2. Streamline your menu and promotions 

Just as you wouldn't leave promoting your festive menu to the last minute, don't delay uploading it into your POS system - so program your seasonal offerings and promotions well in advance to ensure a smooth and error-free experience during the rush. Double-check that your promotions and pricing are accurately updated in the system to prevent any billing discrepancies or customer frustration at checkout. And as you prepare for the festive feast, make sure any new inventory items are correctly entered into your POS system to ensure accurate stock levels and avoid running out of those holiday favourites. 

3. Train and empower your staff  

Your staff, including any seasonal hires, are your frontline during the Christmas rush, so make sure they're comfortable and confident using the POS. Well in advance, provide them with thorough training on all aspects of the system, from order entry and payment processing to handling special requests. You might also want to consider programming your POS with prompts for upsells and add-ons, subtly encouraging your staff to boost revenue during busy periods. Streamline the checkout process to minimise wait times and explore if your POS can integrate with your staff rota system to ensure optimal scheduling during peak hours. 

4. Prepare for payment processing  

The holiday season often brings a variety of payment methods - cash, credit/debit cards, and mobile payments like Apple Pay, Google Pay or PayPal, with digital payments dominating every transaction in 2024, as reported by Clover Business. To ensure your POS system is equipped to accept them all, consider implementing mobile POS solutions for tableside ordering and payment, which can ease congestion at the main POS terminal and make sure your system is prepared to handle a high volume of transactions, preventing any frustrating slowdowns or crashes during peak times. With time being of the essence during the festive season, for both your customers and your staff, a swift checkout process with a minimal amount of steps required will be much appreciated.   

5. Integrate with CRM  

Integrating your hospitality CRM with POS brings a host of benefits, but especially around Christmas, it becomes a true lifesaver, providing significant time-saving and customer-enhancing benefits. When managing Christmas party bookings and preorders, once you select the booking on your POS, the preorders automatically sync to the transaction pane, so you can amend/add to it if needs be and send it through to the kitchen - this automated process reduces manual data entry and the potential for errors, so important when dealing with high-volume sales during the Christmas period.  

6. Leverage data and analytics  

Your POS system is a goldmine of valuable data and, unless this is your first year of operation, by all means, use it to forecast your busiest days and most popular dishes, and plan ahead to optimise your operations. By following your historical data, you can anticipate supplier delivery needs, forecast staffing requirements, and ensure adequate coverage, reducing customer wait times. If your POS integrates with your CRM, this is another powerful way to lean on that integration and leverage your customer insights - according to a report by Zendesk, 90% of customers are willing to spend more on companies that personalise the service offered to them. 

7. Stress-test  

Don't wait for the Christmas rush to uncover any hidden issues with your POS system and conduct thorough testing beforehand, simulating different scenarios to identify any potential bottlenecks or problems. Test various payment methods, order types, and promotions to ensure everything runs smoothly under pressure. It's also wise to have a backup plan in place, such as a manual order-taking system or a secondary POS terminal, just in case of unexpected technical glitches. 

8. Partner with your POS provider  

Your POS provider is your ally during this busy period - make sure you have access to reliable technical support in case any issues arise. Consider having them optimise your system before the holidays to guarantee it's running at its peak and don't hesitate to seek their advice on best practices for handling the Christmas rush and maximising your system's capabilities. 

Pre-Christmas POS Readiness Checklist 

Make pre-Christmas equipment and maintenance checks part of your prep for a stress-free season. 

Hardware & Software  

  • All POS hardware (terminals, printers, card readers, etc.) is in good working order.  

  • POS software is updated to the latest version. 

  • POS system is compatible with other key systems (inventory, online ordering).  

Menu & Promotions

  • Seasonal menus and promotions are programmed into the POS.

  • Pricing and discounts are accurately updated.

  • New inventory items are entered into the system.   

Staff Training & Empowerment 

  • All staff, including seasonal hires, are trained on the POS system.

  • Upsell prompts are programmed into the POS (if applicable).

  • The checkout process is streamlined and efficient.

  • POS integration with the staff rota system is explored (if possible). 

Payment Processing 

  • POS system accepts a variety of payment methods (cash, cards, mobile).

  • Mobile POS solutions are considered for increased efficiency.

  • The system is tested and ready to handle high transaction volumes.

  • PCI compliance is confirmed.

Data & Analytics 

  • Historical data is analysed to forecast peak periods and popular items.

  • Staffing, inventory, and operations are optimised based on insights.

  • Personalised offers and communication are leveraged (if CRM integration exists). 

Testing & Contingency 

  • POS system is thoroughly tested under simulated high-volume conditions.

  • A backup plan is in place in case of technical issues. 

POS Provider Partnership 

  • Access to reliable technical support is confirmed.

  • System optimisation is scheduled with the provider before the rush

  • Best practices and advice are sought from the provider. 

Prepare for holidays with Access EPoS  

Just as you put your best attention to detail when crafting your festive menu or decorating your venue, ensure you have the time to check if your POS is equally prepared for Christmas and ready to handle the holiday rush.


During this joyful and chaotic season of increased foot traffic, a well-optimised POS system is your key to maintaining efficient operations, satisfied customers, and healthy profits. That’s why taking proactive steps in advance to address hardware, software, staffing, payment processing, and data analytics will help ensure your business runs smoothly and leaves a lasting impression on your guests. 

If you'd like to learn more about how Access EPoS can help you make the most out of the holiday season, explore our brochure or speak to our team