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Christmas promotion ideas for restaurants: Boost sales and loyalty with CRM

For hospitality, the Christmas season is one of the most critical times of the year, where the holiday spirit takes over and people are looking for the perfect venue to celebrate with friends, family and colleagues. But with so many dining options available, standing out requires strategic, effective promotions that balance that holiday magic with getting customers through the door.

That’s where Access Hospitality comes in. We have years of experience supporting hospitality businesses to create and utilise relevant, trackable campaigns that not only increase customer visits, but also maximise profits leading up to and during the Christmas season.

In this article we’ll take a look at how a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) can help boost sales at your venue, how it can help you forge loyal customer relationships that last longer than the season and offer some quality Christmas promotion ideas for your restaurant.

Posted 27/09/2024

Christmas promotion ideas for restaurants Boost sales and loyalty with CRM

Why CRM is essential for Christmas promotions

If you've ever found yourself wondering, "How can I make my Christmas promotions more effective?" The answer might lie in strategic use of a good CRM. 

This will allow you to gather and analyse detailed customer data, giving you insights into their preferences and habits, which will in turn let you create targeted and personalised promotions that truly resonate with your audience.

CRM systems can be used to collect customer data from various sources such as online reservations, loyalty programmes, email subscriptions, and social media interactions. This data can help you understand your customers better, including demographics, dining preferences (vegetarian, vegan, etc), when and how often they've eaten at your restaurant, and (perhaps most beneficial during the Christmas period), how they've engaged with previous promotions.

Being able to analyse trends and identify what's worked best with different customers lets you plan accordingly, and armed with these customer insights, restaurants can craft targeted promotions that cater to individual preferences.

A CRM can enable personalisation through:

  • Segmented campaigns: You can split your customer base into segments based on various factors such as time and frequency of visits, spending patterns, usual party size. 
    Creating these smaller data sets helps you create customised Christmas offers, such as discounts for frequent diners or special holiday menus for families.
  • Personalised offers: Using the data to send personalised promotions is more likely to pique the interest of customers, leading to higher conversion rates.

Another big benefit of a CRM system is its automation capabilities. It allows restaurants to plan and execute marketing campaigns with minimal manual effort:

  • Restaurants can set up and schedule holiday promotions in advance, automatically sending personalised emails or messages to customers at optimal times. 
  • In the lead up to Christmas, automated messaging can remind customers of specials, promotions, or early-bird reservations.
  •  The system will also provide analytics and reporting tools to see how effective promotions have been. You can monitor metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gauge the success of each campaign, in real-time.

So, what are the benefits of using CRM for restaurants during the Christmas season? 

It increases efficiency: 

By automating marketing efforts, restaurants can reduce the time and resources spent on campaign creation and tracking. This allows staff to focus on delivering excellent service during the busy holiday period.

Your customers will engage more:

Personalised promotions are more engaging and relevant to customers, increasing the likelihood of repeat business and boosting customer loyalty.

Your campaigns will perform better:

With data-driven insights, restaurants can design targeted promotions that align with customer preferences, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

Real-Time adjustments:

The ability to track campaign performance in real-time enables restaurants to make quick adjustments to their promotional strategies, ensuring maximum impact throughout the holiday season.

A CRM like Acteol  empowers restaurants to harness customer data, automate marketing activities, and personalise promotions effectively. By doing so, they can enhance customer experiences and drive revenue during the holiday season with minimal manual effort.

But what about managing multiple promotions? 

CRM simplifies this by automating a lot of the work. You can schedule campaigns, send out personalised offers, and monitor performance without the hassle of having to do it manually. Imagine being able to identify your top customers and automatically send them exclusive Christmas offers weeks in advance. CRM makes this, and a whole lot more, possible.

How can CRM enhance Christmas promotion ideas?

Ok,  so now you’ve heard a little about CRM, you might be wondering how it could help you find out what kind of promo strategies work best for Christmas.

Here are some strategies easily enhanced by CRM data:

Personalised holiday offers:

We all love the personal touch, and at Christmas it's a great way to make your customers feel all warm and fuzzy. With a CRM, you can identify your most loyal customers and tailor exclusive offers just for them. Small things like a complimentary dessert or a discount on their favourite dish are enhanced by a level of personalisation that makes them seem more thoughtful.

Early access for loyal customers: 

If you want to reward your regulars during Christmas, CRM software lets you segment your customer base. This makes it a lot easier to identify and reward loyal customers with early access to your Christmas menu or special booking slots. This makes them feel more valued and also  encourages bookings before the Christmas rush.

Gift card promotions: 

Christmas is a prime time to promote gift cards. Using your CRM, you can target customers who have purchased before and offer them incentives, such as a £10 bonus for every £50 gift card purchased. This helps boost Christmas sales, while ensuring future visits.

Perfect timing: 

As the old saying goes, timing is everything. A CRM system can analyse customer data to determine the optimal times to send out promotions. This’ll make sure your message reaches your audience when they’re most likely to book.

How can CRM help with post-Christmas retention?

You might be wondering, "How do I keep customers coming back after Christmas?" The Christmas party season often attracts first-time visitors, and a CRM system is key to turning them into repeat customers. Here’s how:

Personalised thank-you emails: 

It’s simple but effective. Once Christmas is over, use your CRM to send personalised thank-you emails to every customer who visited. Customer satisfaction is vital in all areas of hospitality and when a customer has a personalised experience that exceeds their expectations they will return, and recommend you to their friends. 

Loyalty rewards: 

CRM systems allow you to set up loyalty programmes that reward customers for dining with you. Offer rewards to entice customers back. These rewards, tracked through your CRM, make customers feel appreciated and more likely to return.

Year-round engagement: 

A CRM is for life, not just for Christmas. 

Use it to send seasonal offers, birthday offers and event invitations, maintaining a consistent relationship with your customers all year round.

Ready to run your next Christmas promotion?

In this article we’ve discussed how a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) can help boost sales at your venue. How it can help you forge loyal customer relationships that last longer than the season, and even give some ideas for promotions.

If you’re asking, "What CRM software is best for my restaurant?" consider the solutions offered by Acteol. Our hospitality CRM software is designed specifically for restaurants, bars, and pubs. It helps you streamline your marketing efforts and create personalised campaigns that resonate with your customers.

Planning early is crucial for success. By using loyalty and rewards CRM software like Acteol, you can maximise your marketing strategy, drive more sales, and keep customers coming back well beyond Christmas.

To see how our CRM can transform your holiday marketing, download the Acteol Hospitality CRM Brochure or watch our 5-minute demo video.