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How to achieve HR efficiency with unified HR solutions 

It’s no secret that for an organisation to succeed and thrive, it needs to have a solid HR function. As the department needs to juggle many different areas and systems, to achieve true HR operational efficiency, they must utilise unified HR solutions.   

To illustrate HR software efficiency, we'll explore how unified HR solutions will streamline key HR processes and provide real-world use cases to showcase these benefits.

Posted 22/07/2024

The current state of HR  

Many HR professionals are constantly bombarded with emails, fielding complex employee queries, handling recruitment, managing benefits, and ensuring compliance – all while struggling to navigate a multitude of disconnected HR systems.   

We recently conducted a survey which found that over 50% of HR professionals reported that integrating various HR systems is a major challenge.  This disjointed workflow, coupled with the expectation to handle multiple tools with finesse, significantly hinders their efficiency.  

It's no surprise that HR teams are overwhelmed, overworked, and stressed.  

Image reading over 50% of HR professionals reported that integrating various HR systems is a major challenge


The consequences of a struggling HR department extend far beyond their team. It creates a ripple effect impacting the entire organisation. When HR is bogged down by administrative tasks and disconnected systems, they can't dedicate their time to the strategic initiatives and employee support that truly drive success.  

A recent survey by YouGov found that 73% of managers aren’t getting the support they need. While this is not indicative of every organisation, it’s certainly a shocking statistic, and it’s clear that this work environment is not conducive to a good work-life balance and a productive workforce.    

So – how can HR departments step in? Well, utilising unified HR solutions will relieve some pressure, giving HR professionals time to focus on the people-centric work that matters and freeing up space to have conversations surrounding the support managers are crying out for.   

While exploring ways that HR solutions aid in creating a robust HR strategy, it’s also important to consider the quickly developing AI landscape. By embracing unified HR solutions and leveraging the power of AI, we can not only alleviate the pressure on HR teams but also give them the time and resources they need to put the human element back into human resources.  

Why should you consider using unified HR solutions?

Unified HR solutions are platforms which combine various HR functions, such as payroll and recruitment, into fewer systems which work together and share data seamlessly. By consolidating systems and vendors, your all-important data is either in one place or flows between systems with ease. This allows your employees to access important information when they need it, without having to search through folders to reach it.   

However, it goes beyond simply consolidating data. Unified HR solutions provide the tools to analyse trends across your workforce, such as recruitment efficiency, employee performance, and turnover rates. With these insights, you’ll make data-driven decisions to improve HR processes, reduce costs, and build a stronger, more efficient workforce.  

Our survey looked at the complexities surrounding disparate HR systems, and the findings were interesting. When asked what the top three challenges faced when managing HR systems were, over 50% said ensuring data accuracy and quality across platforms. This further highlights the need for HR management efficiency through unified solutions.   

What is HR efficiency? 

HR efficiency refers to how effectively an organisation utilises and manages common resources such as time, budget, technology, and personnel, to achieve its HR goals. It focuses on reducing resource expenditure while delivering streamlined and successful outcomes dependent of the needs of your organisation.  

The term covers:  

  • How well the HR department manages tasks and resources  
  • Getting tasks achieved quickly, accurately, and with minimal wasted effort  
  • Methods to save time and money, improve employee satisfaction, and achieve business goals more effectively.  

Image with text reading 'What is HR efficiency? HR efficiency refers to how effectively an organisation utilises and manages common resources such as time, budget, technology, and personnel, to achieve its HR goals.'


What processes are improved by HR software efficiency and unified solutions?   

When thinking about your HR processes and potential improvements, it’s important to consider each stage of the employee lifecycle. For example, when you are recruiting new employees, look at how integrated HR software makes this process more efficient.   

The more the systems are unified - in that they work together and integrate - the greater the efficiencies are. It’s also important to start considering how each process could become even more efficient as AI functionality advances in the HR tech landscape.   

Let’s explore each area in more detail.   


Recruiting the right talent is crucial for building a strong workforce. HR software significantly improves your recruitment process by streamlining tasks and reducing time-to-hire.   

By integrating Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), automated screening tools, and other talent acquisition features into a single platform, unified HR software streamlines the entire recruitment process. This eliminates the need to switch between different systems, reducing administrative burden and saving HR professionals' valuable time.  

This unified approach allows HR teams to work smarter, not harder. This means they can focus on attracting top talent, conducting insightful interviews, and making the best hiring decisions, all within a seamless and efficient workflow.  


Setting your new employees up for success in a timely manner involves a successful and robust onboarding process. By utilising onboarding software that is integrated with your learning platform, your new hires will have access to an onboarding dashboard which shows them exactly what they need to see, without bogging them down with too much information. This often includes training materials, introductory meetings and any outstanding tasks that need to be completed.  

From a management perspective, the information often pulls through to a dashboard made specifically for them, giving them a clear overview of how their new employee is settling into the company and working through onboarding materials successfully.    

Workforce Management  

The work for HR teams doesn’t end once an employee has been onboarded, and unified workforce management software keeps things running smoothly.  

By giving your employees self-serve options for holiday bookings and absence management, which integrates seamlessly with payroll software, it will take some of the pressure off managers and HR departments. Setting up automated notifications to alert those teams to new requests will also help speed up processes and keep them efficient.  

Learning and Development  

Unified HR Software plays a key role in the L&D initiatives within your organisation. With the latest LinkedIn Learning report revealing that 8 in 10 people say learning adds purpose to their work, the clear link between training and employee satisfaction can’t be ignored. But how can you streamline these processes?   

A career development platform creates personalised learning paths individual to each employee, directing them to training related to their role. This ensures their training is accurate. Learning management systems often contain integrated CPD tracking tools, helping employees keep on top of renewal deadlines and compliance records.  

More advanced career development platforms are now using AI capabilities to further enhance efficiencies, such as interview simulation training tools to help prepare employees for career advancements and progression opportunities.   

Reward and Recognition  

HR software with an integrated employee rewards and recognition platform allows for easy creation and distribution of personalised rewards, shout-outs, or points for achievements. This fosters a culture of appreciation, motivates employees, and improves overall morale.   

Automated notifications ensure recognition is timely and managers can track employee performance data to identify high performers deserving recognition. This eliminates the need for manual tracking and paperwork associated with traditional recognition programs.  


By utilising payroll software, HR teams reduce admin while ensuring timely payroll processing at scale.   

These processes become faster and more accurate with automated calculations and deductions. Integration with tax filing services eliminates manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors. This means that HR teams save significant time previously spent on manual calculations and paperwork, all while having the reassurance that their employees are getting paid accurately and on time. 

Reporting and Analytics  

HR software supported by robust reporting and analytics capabilities allow you to track key metrics across all HR functions, identify trends, and measure the impact of HR initiatives.  

Preconfigured reporting dashboards, particularly in systems that are now utilising AI, can pull together accurate and isolated data, removing manual processes and giving HR teams the information they need without having to dig for it. 

By using a unified system, all the data is accessible across systems, meaning data can be accessed and reviewed holistically for in-depth and insightful analysis. This level of detail helps to create impactful reports.   

Three ways unified HR solutions can supercharge your HR efficiencies 

Image with text reading 'Three ways unified HR solutions can supercharge your HR efficiencies  - Improved accuracy, one source of truth, better workflows.'


By centralising your HR activities and removing the need for multiple, disparate systems, you ensure each area of the employee lifecycle is working efficiently. This frees up valuable time for your HR team to focus on what truly matters: your people. Let's explore three key ways unified HR solutions supercharge your HR efficiencies.  

1. Improved accuracy  

Imagine a world where data entry errors and inconsistencies are a thing of the past. Unified HR solutions make this a reality through centralised data management. With all employee information readily available, the risk of errors caused by manual data entry across disparate platforms is significantly reduced. This translates directly into increased efficiency. Streamlined processes eliminate the need for time-consuming data verification and corrections, allowing your HR team to focus on more strategic initiatives.   

2. One source of truth  

Integrated HR platforms provide a single source of truth for all employee information. This eliminates the administrative burden of managing and reconciling data across various platforms. This means HR professionals spend less time searching for information scattered throughout different systems, unlocking valuable insights that can be leveraged to further optimise processes.  

3: Better workflows  

Unified HR solutions don't just improve data management, they also transform how work gets done within your HR department. By automating repetitive tasks like processing leave requests and expense reimbursement, you guarantee consistency, reduce errors, and keep everything moving smoothly. This not only builds a more reliable HR department, but also one that can proactively drive impactful outcomes for your organisation.  

How to measure HR efficiency 

The measure of HR efficiency is often dependent on the needs of your HR team and the wider company objectives. However, below are some examples of how you may wish to measure how effective and efficient your HR practices are.  

  • Time saved  
  • Employee retention rates  
  • Cost savings  

When using these kinds of metrics, you focus on the right areas and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve your HR practices. 

Drive HR efficiencies with the help of PeopleXD

The importance of using unified HR solutions to achieve HR efficiency can’t be understated. From speeding up onboarding to directing employees to the most suitable training options for them, your HR team will be firing off all cylinders and letting your HR solutions do the hard work.   

PeopleXD is our fully integrated HR and Payroll solution aimed at medium-large businesses.

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