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Employee Spotlight

Posted 25/10/2024

Meet Sam, Revenue Assurance Business Partner at Access, as he shares his journey and the highlights of his time with us. 

What 3 things do you always carry with you in your bag/pocket? 

  • A power bank & charger 
  • Mint chewing gum 
  • Vaseline lip Balm 

What do you do on days you feel unmotivated? 

When I feel unmotivated, I often turn to my favourite podcasts featuring inspiring industry leaders. Alternatively, I enjoy watching episodes of Suits! I am particularly drawn to the characters' unwavering commitment to success in their careers, which serves as a powerful motivator for me to pursue my own goals

What has been your biggest professional challenge in the last year? 

My biggest professional challenge in the past year has been leading a surge resource project aimed at recovering previously blocked revenue. This role required me to report progress directly to our CEO and other key senior stakeholders. Initially, I felt a sense of nervousness, as it was my first experience presenting to such a senior audience, and I was uncertain what to expect. 

However, as I engaged more with the process, I gradually gained confidence. I took the time to understand the specific expectations of the stakeholders, which enabled me to tailor my reports effectively. More importantly, I successfully delivered on my objectives, demonstrating my ability to lead and communicate effectively in a high-stakes environment. 

What’s your favourite memory working with Access? 

My favourite memory of working with Access thus far has to be the annual Big Break trip to Marbella in 2022, our Access teambuilding and recognition event. It was an incredible experience, allowing me to meet many colleagues from across the business face to face for the first time. The camaraderie and shared moments made it truly memorable, and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the trip. 

What does Black History Month mean to you, and how do you think it impacts workplace culture? 

For me, Black History Month is a significant period during the year when we not only acknowledge our history and its contributors but also celebrate the progress we have made as a community. It is an opportunity to honour the many pioneers and unsung heroes who have shaped our journey. 

By observing Black History Month, we create a foundation for promoting racial and ethnic acceptance in the workplace. This celebration fosters education and encourages allyship among all employees, helping to cultivate a more inclusive environment for everyone. 

Could you tell us what our motto “Love work, love life, be you” means to you? 

Our motto, "Love Work, Love Life, Be You," encapsulates the distinction between merely having a job and truly cultivating a fulfilling career. When you can embrace what you do, the people you work with, the methods you employ, and the environment you thrive in, it profoundly influences your enjoyment of work—often making it feel less like work at all! 

At Access, I have found an excellent work-life balance, which has significantly aided my career. I also love our organisation's commitment to charitable initiatives, reflecting our values and fostering a positive workplace culture.