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Tackling the Email Overload: Top Tips to Streamline Parent Communication

Balancing career, family life, and a child's education makes parents inherently busy. Adding to this, managing an influx of school communications can be overwhelming. Last year, a national newspaper article titled "My brain can’t handle all of the school emails!" highlighted a common dilemma faced by thousands of parents.

At Brentwood School, we recognised the importance of effective communication and took meaningful steps to streamline our approach. Here’s how we transformed our parent communication strategy. 

5 mins

by Rich Newsome

Thought Leadership Expert

Posted 12/09/2024

Identifying the Challenge 

For many parents, filtering through numerous school communications to find key information can be frustrating, especially when it involves multiple systems with separate usernames and passwords. This challenge is compounded for parents with multiple children, leading to a barrage of updates on sports sessions, music lessons, pastoral initiatives, school trips, and more. Despite the chaos, no parent wants to miss a crucial update.

Implementing a Single Solution 

Understanding the importance of a streamlined communication system, we sought a single solution to handle all communications. This was crucial in maintaining an open dialogue with parents and ensuring they receive timely, relevant information without feeling overwhelmed.  

Leveraging New Technology 

Using the Access Education My School Portal software, we now send parents a single, daily digest email that arrives in their inbox at the same time each day. This email contains all the important information a parent needs to know, personalised to their child and their daily activities. Each Friday, a summary of my weekly blog is also included within the digest, covering topics relevant to the wider school community and celebrating student achievements. While one-to-one emails remain a key part of our communication, this approach saves parents time, enhances efficiency, and allows them to revisit key information as needed.

Top tips for other schools looking to adopt a similar approach

1. Centralise Communications with a Single Platform

Utilise a unified platform like My School Portal to handle all parent communications. This reduces the need for multiple systems and helps parents easily access all relevant information in one place.

2. Implement Daily Digest Emails

Send a daily digest email that summarises all important information for the day. Ensure it arrives at the same time each day, and personalise the content based on each child’s activities and needs. This helps parents stay informed without feeling overwhelmed by multiple messages.

3. Include Weekly Summaries and Updates

Incorporate a summary of weekly updates, such as a headteacher’s blog, into the daily digest. This can cover broader topics and celebrate student achievements, keeping parents connected to the wider school community.

4. Maintain Individualised Communication

Ensure that the communication system allows for personalised messages and one-to-one emails when necessary. This maintains a personal touch and ensures parents can reach out directly to teachers regarding their child’s progress.

5. Focus on User-Friendliness

Choose a platform that is user-friendly and intuitive for parents. The easier it is for them to navigate, the more likely they are to engage with the communications and stay informed.

6. Align with School Values

Ensure that any changes or new systems align with your school’s core values. At Brentwood, our values of Virtue, Learning, and Manners guide all our initiatives, including communication.

7. Embrace Technology and Innovation

Don’t be afraid to adopt new technologies that can enhance the parent experience. For example, Brentwood School was an early adopter of cashless catering, which integrates seamlessly with our communications platform.

8. Provide Clear and Consistent Information

Strive for clarity and consistency in all communications. Avoid sending mixed messages or overwhelming parents with too much information at once. Clear, concise, and consistent updates help build trust and ensure parents are well-informed.

9. Offer Accessible School Calendars

Make your school calendar easily accessible to parents, preferably through the same communication platform. This ensures they can quickly find important dates and events without searching through multiple sources.

10. Collect and Act on Feedback

Regularly seek feedback from parents on the effectiveness of your communication strategy. Use this feedback to make continuous improvements and address any concerns or suggestions they may have. 

Streamlining Communication with My School Portal

Implementing these tips can significantly enhance how your school communicates with parents, making it more efficient and effective. As Michael Bond, Headmaster of Brentwood School, states, 

Using My School Portal has significantly enhanced our communication with parents, ensuring they receive all necessary updates in a timely and organised manner. This has strengthened our partnership with parents, ultimately benefiting our students’ education experience.

Learn more about Access My School Portal and how it can help your school streamline parent communication

By Rich Newsome

Thought Leadership Expert

Meet Rich Newsome, a thought leadership expert with a passion for education that stems from his background as a teacher. Committed to shedding light on the most significant issues in education, Rich goes above and beyond to provide schools with the guidance and support they need without the burden of extensive research.

Drawing from his firsthand experience, he brings the voices of the education sector to life, allowing those within schools to share their experiences, exchange ideas, and explore best practices.

As our in-house Content Manager, Rich is dedicated to creating a platform where the collective wisdom of educators can flourish, fostering a community that thrives on shared knowledge and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of education.