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Unlocking Excellence Across the Curriculum with GCSEPod

Are you looking for a curriculum tool that covers a wide range of subjects, enhances student engagement, and drives better GCSE results? Look no further than Access GCSEPod, the ultimate resource for schools. With coverage across core KS3 subjects and 30+ GCSE subjects, Access GCSEPod provides a consistent, high-quality education for all students while empowering teachers to deliver impactful lessons. Let’s dive into why Access GCSEPod is the best curriculum and assessment resource for your school and how it’s being used successfully at Bourne and Giles Academies.

3 minutes

by Emma Slater

Curriculum & Learning Expert

Posted 10/09/2024

The ultimate curriculum tool

One of the standout features of Access GCSEPod is its extensive subject coverage. No other product on the market offers as many subjects with such comprehensive content. Whether it’s core subjects like Maths, English, and Science, or more specialised GCSE options, Access GCSEPod ensures that your school can provide a consistent quality of education across all disciplines.

"GCSEPod has really helped the whole curriculum...supporting the application of themes in the classroom and extending that learning to students independently," says Katie Belcher, Head of School at Giles Academy.

Enhancing consistency and performance across the school

Implementing Access GCSEPod across your school or trust doesn’t just standardise the quality of education - it also makes student performance more data-driven. By tracking student usage and progress, teachers can quickly identify areas of weakness and intervene effectively. As James Hind, Deputy CEO of South Lincolnshire Academies Trust, noted, "We saw an increase in exam results...GCSEPod was a no-brainer to implement across all schools in the trust, and we've seen significant improvements in performance." This consistency drives both teacher and student performance, fostering a sense of competition that pushes everyone to achieve better results.

Real-world examples: how Access GCSEPod is transforming subjects

Let’s take a closer look at how Access GCSEPod is being used effectively in key subjects like Maths, English, and History.

Maths: supporting revision and understanding

Fiona Martin, Head of Maths at Bourne Academy, praises GCSEPod for its versatility in supporting revision. "We use GCSEPod from Year 9 all the way up to Year 11, where it becomes a critical part of our revision plan. The videos are the perfect length, providing all the necessary information without overwhelming students," she explains. Her top tip? "Make it clear to students what you want them to do with the videos. Set out specific tasks and goals, and they will engage with the content effectively."

English: enhancing content retention

English at Giles Academy has also benefited from GCSEPod’s structured content. Faye Kamsika, Head of English, highlights its impact: "GCSEPod has helped our students with content-heavy aspects of the syllabus, from learning poetry to analysing Shakespeare. The repetition of key ideas in the videos aids recall, and the short, sharp format mirrors the concise writing we encourage in essays." Her advice for other schools? Start with homework tasks to familiarize students and staff, then integrate GCSEPod into lessons.

History: encouraging accountability and progress

In History, Georgia Brackley from Bourne Academy has found that GCSEPod not only consolidates students' learning but also makes them more accountable. "Students can track their progress, see their usage data, and it fuels a competitive environment within the classroom. Plus, it’s quick and easy—perfect for both classroom and home use," she shares. Brackley also points out that GCSEPod is a great tool for interventions and involving parents in the learning process.

Top tips for implementing Access GCSEPod across the curriculum

  1. Start with homework: Introduce Access GCSEPod by setting homework tasks. This allows both students and teachers to explore the platform at their own pace before fully integrating it into lessons.
  2. Make expectations clear: Be explicit about what you want students to achieve with GCSEPod. Set specific tasks and goals to ensure they are engaging with the content effectively.
  3. Use data for intervention: Take advantage of the usage data available on Access GCSEPod. Share it with parents, identify areas where students need extra support, and tailor interventions accordingly.
  4. Encourage competition: Foster a competitive environment by comparing performance across classes or even entire schools. This can motivate both students and teachers to strive for better results.

Why you should invest in Access GCSEPod for your school, academy or trust

With its wide subject coverage, consistent quality, and proven impact on performance, Access GCSEPod is the best choice for schools looking to enhance their curriculum and improve GCSE outcomes. It’s time to invest in a resource that will make a difference across your entire school. As James Hind says, " Access GCSEPod definitely works." Don’t wait—unlock the full potential of your curriculum with Access GCSEPod today.

By Emma Slater

Curriculum & Learning Expert

Meet Emma, who is dedicated to supporting schools in their pursuit of digital learning excellence. 10 Years experience as a Lead Practitioner and Head of English in LEA and Trust run schools across SE London developed her passion for developing knowledge and skills rich curriculum. As a PiXL Associate working with 100’s of schools up and down the country and as an author of T&L resources for OUP, Collins and York Notes she gained a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the education sector.

Her dedication to education led her to a pivotal role as Director of Education at Access GCSEPod, where she merged her love for education with her publishing experience to pioneer a values-driven approach to EdTech. Emma championed the cause of providing diverse and inclusive learning content that delivers a rich curriculum in a form that supports all pupils to learn succeed.

Now, at The Access Group, Emma brings her skills and experience in strategy, education, and product development to oversee the growth and delivery of innovative 'big ideas' that support the education sector. Her passion for supporting schools in their curriculum journey is deeply rooted in her extensive classroom experience.