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Top Tips for Dealing with Workplace Stress and Anxiety

Shian Williams

Divisional Marketing Manager, Digital Learning & Compliance

I think we have all found ourselves in a situation where our to-do list seems endless, deadlines are fast approaching, and you find yourself feeling ‘stressed!’ Everyone deals with stress in different ways. Sometimes you can immediately recognise the symptoms, but worryingly there are times you might keep going without recognising them and addressing the underlying issue. Stress affects us both physically and mentally and can affect the way you behave.

There has never been a time that we can remember when we are working under the pressures and strains that we are today whilst dealing with Covid-19. Our workplaces have changed radically whether that’s because your home is now also your office or because how you work has fundamentally changed due to social distancing restrictions. If you are on the front-line you are managing situations you could never have foreseen. Now is a better time than ever to try and alleviate as much stress from our lives as possible and the workplace is a great place to start.

What is stress and anxiety?

How would you define stress? If you were to ask a number of people you would likely get a number of different responses. According to Mind, the mental health charity, there’s no medical definition of stress. Healthcare professionals often disagree over whether stress is the cause of problems or the result of them; likely it’s a mixture of both.

Stress is primarily a physical response; the body thinks it is under attack and switches to ‘fight or flight’ mode. The bodies sympathetic nervous system releasing a complex mix of hormones such as adrenaline. Therefore, we can notice some symptoms such as heart racing, rapid breathing and feeling nervous.

Feeling anxious can be quite normal but it’s when your feelings of anxiety start to have an impact on your life that things can become quite overwhelming. Mind flag anxiety as a mental health problem if it impacts on your ability to live your life as fully as you would want.

Stress is often a trigger for those who suffer with anxiety.

What are the most common signs of stress and anxiety?

You may feel:

  • Irritable
  • Feeling restless and struggling to sleep
  • A sense of dread
  • Uninterested

How you might behave:

  • You might snap at people
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Feeling tearful
  • Smoking or drinking more than usual

How you might be physically affected?

  • Tired
  • Headaches
  • Chest pains
  • High blood pressure

There are no rules around what causes stress or anxiety, anything from problems within your personal life, employment and study, housing and money, these are just some factors that can trigger stress.

Stress within most workplaces is a common problem. Some level of workplace stress can be normal, but excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and performance and can impact your physical and emotional health and lead to anxiety or other mental health issues.

Whatever your ambitions or work demands, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from the damaging effects of stress.

Here are some top tips to help with workplace stress:

Reach out

Sometimes simply sharing the fact you feel stressed can help to reduce those, at times, overwhelming feelings. If you need support or help don’t be afraid to ask, you will be more productive if you can limit your levels of stress.

Make time for exercise

When you’re overly focused on work, it’s too easy to neglect your physical health. It’s important to make time for regular exercise to lift your mood and increase your energy as well as making smart, stress busting food choices.

Don’t skimp on sleep

The better rested you are, the better equipped you’ll be to cope with stressful situations. The quality of your sleep is important as well. It's amazing how much better you can cope with workplace stress when you have had a good night’s sleep

Try to prioritise and organise

Create a well organised and balanced schedule. Try to forward plan to alleviate any stressful situations. You could leave a little earlier in the mornings to ensure you aren’t late for work, plan regular breaks and don’t over-commit yourself.

Be proactive about your job and workplace duties

It’s important you can talk to your employer about your stress triggers, after all happy employees are more productive. Clarify your job description or ask for new duties.

If you’re an employer you know that your employees suffering from work-related stress can result in lower productivity, lost work days and a higher turnover of staff. As a manager, supervisor, or employer there are things you can do to try and better manage workplace stress. One option is you can invest in eLearning for yourself and your employees. The relevant courses will help you to spot the signs of stress within your workforce and help you manage your own stress levels. They can help you all be more resilient to the pressures of work and make you a more productive team.