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Key Middle East Safety Statistics

When it comes to health and safety in the Middle East, it’s worth realising just how far the region has come with its safety standards over the past decade or so by looking at key Middle East Safety Statistics. A lot of work is still to be done, but this will be the case for regions throughout the world until workplaces are absolutely accident-free.

One of the most accident-prone environments remains the construction industry as it results in the accidental deaths of many workers each year, particularly when it comes to large-scale projects. One of the most startling cases involves Qatar’s upcoming World Cup and the lives lost since construction began totalling 1200, with some estimates going as high as 4000 before the work is completed for 2020.

Here are some of the other health and safety stats from the region:

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

  • 69% of construction companies in the Dubai Municipality lack understanding of the importance of health and safety (source)
  • 74% of workers in Dubai believe their training is outdated when they do receive it (source)
  • 71% of workers have no way of reporting accidents in Dubai (source)
  • Only 18% of construction companies in the Dubai Municipality conduct regular health and safety training (source)
  • 38% of construction deaths in Dubai occurred because of poor supervision, with a further 25% due to lack of training (source)
  • More than a quarter (27%) of people in Abu Dhabi said they had been involved in a road accident when using their phone (source)
  • 59% of employees in Dubai are never issued safety and health certificates (source)
  • 25% of UAE companies do not provide PPE to their employees (source)

Saudi Arabia

  • 48% of occupational injuries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia happened in the construction industry in 2011 (source)


  • 33.2% of construction injuries in Kuwait were as a result of falls from height in 2007 (source)


  • Construction fatalities have declined since 2009’s ‘Code of Construction Safety Practice’ was released (source)

As is evident from the statistics above, there is still a lot of work to be done to bring the Middle East up to date with general health and safety standards. Until companies begin to prioritise health and safety training for their employees, figures like these will continue to be a trend.

To find out how Safety Media can help your business, email us at [email protected] or call (+971) 4 3213202 or learn more by visiting our Health and Safety Middle East page