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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Gemma Sharples

Risk and Compliance Associate

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Nicola Roberts

Legal Consultant

Below, we provide updates on how the general election will impact legislation in Parliament, and we will continue to bring you the latest developments as they unfold.

Disclaimer: The information presented below has been compiled from various publications and brought together in this post for your convenience. It is not intended as legal advice but rather as a collection of relevant updates and insights.

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Marcus Dacombe

Proposition Marketing Director

Curious about what the future holds for your law firm? The latest insights from the Frontiers Report reveal the top trends shaping SME law firms for the year ahead. Read on to uncover key strategies to stay ahead of your competitors, with technology playing a pivotal role in overcoming business challenges.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director

The Access Group provides the latest legal compliance news for law firms and solicitors in the UK.

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Marcus Dacombe

Propositions Director, Access Legal

Competition among medium-sized UK law firms is fierce, with over 70%* expressing concerns about local rivals competing for their business. In this highly competitive landscape, evolution isn't just an option—it's a must. Whether it's boosting productivity, ensuring compliance, or enhancing client experiences, the decision to adopt a new case management system signifies a pivotal moment for any law firm. But what happens before and after the switch? Let's explore the details of this transition and discover essential factors to weigh when navigating this pivotal decision. 

*LPM Frontiers Report 2024

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director

What attitude does your firm have towards compliance; is it one that prefers to have a fence at the top of the cliff, or an ambulance at the bottom?

The ambulance at the bottom of the cliff analogy comes from a poem called “The Ambulance down in the valley” written by Jospeh Malins in 1895, and is used to assess whether people prefer to take precautions (install a fence) or risk falling over the cliff because they don’t think taking precautions is necessary or appropriate, and therefore need an ambulance when they fall to the base of the cliff.

In this blog, I'll delve into why compliance is essential for law firms and invite you to ponder: Are you proactively building fences, or merely relying on ambulances?"

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One of the growing priorities that law firms face when considering a legal technology provider is cyber and data security. As such, during our recent Legal IT Clinic webinar, we asked our customers (law firms) their top questions when it comes to choosing a legal cloud managed service provider (MSP) or legal technology provider and the majority were concerned with these three key areas: The responsibilities of an MSP or legal technology provider, Cyber incidents including mitigation and response strategies and Cyber essentials compliance and best practices.


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Siân Riley

Content & Thought Leadership Associate at Access Legal

In recognition of the increasingly flexible way in which people are now working – hybrid working, reduced hours, compressed hours, to name but a few, and the benefits flexible working can offer to employers and the economy at large, the government has introduced new legislation which aims to enable even more workers to benefit from flexible working arrangements which took effect from 06.04.2024.

With the changes now placing more of the burden of dealing with flexible working requests on the employer, who will need to engage more with employees and make quicker decisions, it is vital that law firm leaders become familiar with and take steps to adapt to the changes.

So, what exactly are the changes, what do they mean for law firms and what action do you need to take?

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

Our recent thematic webinar looked at Artificial Intelligence (AI) for law firms and the opportunities it offers for those working in the legal sector, the risks to consider when looking to adopt AI, and mitigation action that can be taken to ensure it is used successfully.

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Mike Connelly

Commercial Director Access Legal

Meeting client expectations is at the top of every law firm's mind. In an era where online giants like Amazon can offer same-day delivery, client’s expectations for rapid, on-demand services are on the rise. This is no different in the legal sector, specifically conveyancing with clients now expecting a quicker turnaround than ever before.

This article covers how digital conveyancing and utilising technology can help law firms achieve greater efficiency and provide an enhanced client experience.

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