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Human Resources

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Oli Quayle

Head of Product, Access People Division

Living systems where everything’s linked

“Learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else.”

Leonardo da Vinci

The words of a truly great, artist and polymath who pushed countless boundaries in his time. Having drawn inspiration from the time of the Renaissance, let’s move our focus to a revolution: the significance of hyper-connectivity, here and now, in our fast-changing world. What does ‘hyper-connected’ mean? A dictionary might say something about the ‘widespread or habitual use of devices that have internet connectivity’.

We’re going to look at it from an HR perspective, however, and for me the starting point is to view organisations as living, biological systems with many intricate nuances. It’s about treating your company as a complex, conscious system and making use of data and technology to ensure a personalised experience for every individual within it. Why is this concept important? Companies that want to thrive no matter what happens need to bounce back quickly as the economy recovers, which means welcoming back employees and considering all their experiences - for the good of everyone.

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Are you one of the many HR leaders who is still waiting for the internal investment to upgrade to a modern HR software package? If so, you’re not alone. In this article, we offer a potential solution to turbo-charge your business case and finally get the commitment you need to move forwards. 

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As we near the payroll year end, it is important to make sure you are aware of the legislative changes which will affect your business. To help your team during the transition period, our experts have summarised the key topics in this quick-reference payroll guide.

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After so many months of working from home and engaging with colleagues and customers on-screen, it’s no wonder so many employees are reporting what is commonly being called ‘zoom fatigue’. A condition related to a day filled with constant video calls, the effects include exhaustion,  dreading the next call, eye-strain, headaches and a general lack of focus. This entirely new response to the challenges of working from home is an issue that HR must get to grips with and support employees through – especially those who are struggling to perform at their best.

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Alex Wortley

On-Demand Pay Specialist

It seems a little bit of an understatement to say that last year was an incredibly unsettling one for many people and here at Access EarlyPay we've been seeing the results of that.

Access EarlyPay gives employees access to their earned income on-demand, meaning that people have ready access to the cash they have earned, without having to wait until the end of the month.

This means that we have seen the peaks and troughs of 2020 manifest themselves in the different times that people call on their cash and the amount they need.

We’ve created a ‘Review of the Year’ infographic for you to discover the power of on-demand pay, and indeed how useful our users found it throughout 2020. Click below to view it now!

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Alex Wortley

Access EarlyPay

There can’t be many managers that haven’t pondered the nature of productivity and searched for a way to increase it in their team.

High productivity is the holy grail for many companies and so we thought we’d curate a list of our favourite productivity-enhancing tips.

Some cost money, some are free but all will increase productivity at your company and may even make people happier.

The great thing is that you don’t need to rely on anyone else to adopt many of these tips so whether you work in a global concern or you are a one-person band, dive in and have a go.

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Alex Wortley

Access EarlyPay

The personal finance landscape has changed massively since the beginning of covid with people needing to find ways to cope with multiple lockdowns and dramatic shifts in their lifestyle.

Across the UK we have seen employees dealing with reduced hours, home working and even redundancy and so it is no surprise that there has been a knock-on effect on people’s personal finances. In fact, more than 14.9m people have seen a negative shift in their personal financial situation according to debt charity StepChange.

In this post, we’re looking at the challenges that people have had to face due to COVID and the ways that the personal finance landscape has changed as a result.

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Damian Oldham

HCM Divisional Director

HR managers have plenty to contend with when it comes to the ever-changing world of compliance. With new laws and regulations being introduced and updated at a rate of knots, the list of responsibilities just keeps getting longer.

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Mark Jorgensen

HR Industry Specialist

As custodians of so much employee and business data, it’s no wonder HR managers get a bit twitchy at the thought of giving up familiar manual processes in favour of new HR software.

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Tim Needham

HR Industry Expert

The turbulent economy of the past several months has given many employees plenty to think about in terms of their current job roles and future careers. For those even mildly dissatisfied at work, the pandemic may have prompted a major shift in perspective leading them to consider moving on. But how can you keep your valued staff from hot-footing it out the door?


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