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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Gosia Dudzik-Giannone

It's common industry knowledge that gaining new customers is more costly than retaining an existing one. Acquiring a new customer can cost 5-10 times more than retaining an existing one, and loyal customers also spend 67% more on average, according to BIA Advisory 

The bottom line: keeping the customers is valuable 

Yet, many restaurant operators focus their marketing attention on driving new customer footfall, but once you get those new customers, how do you turn them into loyal repeat visitors? 

At Access Hospitality, we helped thousands of businesses of all sizes transform their approach to customer loyalty and set up effective loyalty programs 

In this article, we explore some of our top tips for engaging your existing customer base and increasing customer loyalty. 

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Gosia Dudzik-Giannone

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably running a pretty successful restaurant operation and are looking for ways to expand your business – and one way you can do that is by optimising your dining area and learning how to make the most of the space you have available so you can seat the maximum number of guests during service. 

Do you find it frustrating when you’re turning away customers during a busy service? Or having your venue packed out with couples at four-seater tables? These issues are costing your business money – so getting a handle on your restaurant seating plan is a must.  

As sector specialists here, at Access Hospitality, we share our experience in helping businesses streamline and manage operations to boost sales using software.  

In this article, we'll explore all the things you need to know to create a restaurant seating strategy that’s right for you and your business and how it can help you seat more tables, serve more customers and increase guest satisfaction. 

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  • Pubs and bars saw an increase of +136% in pints sold and +147% increase in sales during England’s semi-final win against The Netherlands. 

  • Over £1.6 million was spent on pints during the quarter-final against Switzerland, compared to £1.1 million the previous Saturday. 

  • Over 4.2 million pints could be poured if England reach the final on Sunday – the equivalent of over £26 million. 

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Sam Ekins

With plenty of competition around it can be hard to make sure your venue gets noticed. In London alone, there are over 20.000 restaurants, each of them vying for attention - how can your restaurant or bar stand out in the crowd and attract a loyal following?  

At Access, we help thousands of restaurant operators utilise software solutions to attract and retain new customers and build a solid base of customers loyal to their brand.  

If you're wondering how to attract more guests to your restaurant or bar, keep reading for our key strategies, which you can start implementing today. 

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Thomas Knibb

EPoS Specialist

What is the one element of your business that would be most harmful if it were damaged or lost? Equipment can be pricey but, usually, easily replaced; property may cause inconvenience and require significant investment to restore but, arguably, they may be overshadowed by an intangible asset – sales data.

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In the age of smartphones and on-demand everything, hospitality has undergone a remarkable transformation in which real-life experiences and digital software must work in harmony. And whether you’re just starting to adopt a software-based strategy in your business or are experienced in navigating the technological requirements of a large-scale hospitality business, you’ve likely found yourself considering "Is an omnichannel restaurant strategy right for me?"

Here at Access, we hear this question a lot. So, we’ve decided to get into it in this comprehensive guide and address the myriad questions, doubts and considerations that have led you here. We understand that the restaurant industry is one of constant evolution, and your journey through the digital dining landscape may be just beginning, or it may be a quest for optimisation and staying ahead of the curve.

So, whether you’re a digital newbie or an experienced technology advocate for your business, keep reading as we explore omnichannel restaurant software, what it is, how it works and most importantly, whether adopting one will help you achieve your business objectives.

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Loyalty programmes are like a secret handshake between your restaurant and your most valued guests. They say: "We see you, we appreciate you, and we've got something special just for you." And although customers are increasingly willing to sign up, the traditional route of generic rewards is no longer enough. Diners are more likely to stick with the place if it offers relevant and personalised rewards. 

Recognising that consumers seek personalisation, operators should focus on integrating a loyalty programme with an EPoS system. Why? Because it can supercharge it with the customers' data – their choices, habits and even their birthdays for more tiered and tailored loyalty experiences.  

We frequently hear from our customers here, at Access, who are looking to explore ways to get more out of their loyalty programmes and create experiences that meet demands. So, in this article, we'll explore how to set up a truly effective hospitality loyalty programme and discuss the benefits of integrating it with your EPOS system for deeper, authentic loyalty.  

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Jen Grenside

Upselling in restaurants is a proven strategy that can help enhance the customer experience and boost profits, but only if done right. Pushy waiters can turn the guests off and their negative reactions can leave your staff uncomfortable and unmotivated. To make sure your customers have the best experience in your restaurant, you need to teach your staff the art of upselling.  

One thing we hear a lot from our customers here at Access, is that customers are increasingly ordering fewer items, and the average order values are lower. This is where upselling can play a vital role by recommending the more premium options, encouraging them to indulge in a treat or highlighting a high-value offer. 

In this article, we're going to look into practical tips and strategies on how to upsell without turning your customers off and how technology can make the process smoother for both your team and your customers.

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Restaurants are just businesses like any other, and they need to make money in order to survive. Regardless of your cuisine, concept or customer base, if your restaurant profit margins are too thin, you need to take steps to improve them.  

It's a common thread we see a lot here at Access, with businesses of all sizes looking to improve their profit margins, especially after so many years of strife. Our specialists have years of experience helping operators reduce costs, while our leading hospitality software helps improve gross profit through streamlined operations.  

In this article, we'll look at the factors affecting your bottom line as well as strategies to improve your restaurant business's profit margins.  

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Jen Grenside

With 61% of hospitality leaders planning to invest in new technology this year, it's clear that staying ahead of the curve is a top priority. As a hospitality operator, your point of sale (POS) system is arguably the most important tool in your business, but choosing the perfect software is only the first step in a successful POS implementation - next, your team has to transition to using it. 

From choosing the right software and hardware to staff training and minimising downtime, there's a lot to consider. In the end, you want the transition to be seamless and actually transformative for your business.  

Here at Access, we’ve successfully helped countless businesses save both time and costs in the process. So, in this article, we'll break down the key steps to a successful POS implementation and shed light on how to do it in the most effective way possible.

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