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Supply Chain

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Carol Massay

Head of Construction

The construction industry continues to struggle to meet demand, with labour and materials shortages jeopardising project budgets and completion deadlines. Here, Carol Massay, head of construction at The Access Group, explains how having increased visibility of data is allowing finance directors to make informed decisions at peak capacity as well as mitigating risks. 

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Phil Hart

Business Development Manager

In uncertain and challenging times, construction firms are under significant financial stress, so having access to accurate, reliable and up-to-date information is vital in helping construction project teams react and adapt to often quick and ever changing conditions on site.

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Dr Kamila Walters

Lecturer in Supply Chain and Operations at the Brighton Business School, part of the University of Brighton

How can universities equip graduates with the skills and experience to improve the operational effectiveness of supply chains? Dr Kamila Walters, lecturer in Supply Chain and Operations, explores the changing world of supply chain management in a digital age, and how universities can equip graduates with skills to improve the operational effectiveness of supply chains.

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Carol Massay

Head of Access Construction

Construction is heading for a perfect storm and needs to make itself more attractive to new entrants or face some potentially difficult consequences. Flexible working has a leading role to play, according to Carol Massay, Head of Access Construction.

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John Leitch is bid manager at Hull-based modular buildings specialist M-AR Ltd, and has used Access ConQuest for more than 27 years. As demand for housing, particularly affordable homes, soars, he explains how off-site construction can provide greater cost certainty and faster delivery times.

Hitting housing targets is an ongoing challenge for many local authorities, which is why growing numbers are supplementing traditional building projects with Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), or modular buildings – not just for new homes but schools too.

One of the main reasons, of course, is speed. A modular construction project can be completed up to 40% faster than conventional ones because most of the work is completed and approved off-site.

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Viewed as the key to efficiency savings and smarter decision making, data is an invaluable tool for manufacturers looking to strengthen their business model and improve operational productivity. However, an obsession with capturing every metric possible - without thinking about the bigger picture, may lead to too much data, creating unnecessary complication and confusion. Here’s some key points to consider when reviewing your data, to ensure you are making the most of this valuable asset.

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Sage has announced that from 30th September 2021, Sage Manufacturing will no longer be offered, supported or further developed and is currently undergoing an end of life process.

Access offers a more comprehensive alternative – Access MRP has all the Sage Manufacturing features that you are familiar with, but with considerably more functionality. Full quality control and traceability features, capacity planning tools, In-depth app-based dashboards, giving you visibility and an overview of your entire operation and shop floor data capture.

Take a look at our feature comparison factsheet, so you can compare between Sage Manufacturing and Access MRP.

If you are concerned as to the impact of this on your business, we have summarised below some of the FAQs we have seen in recent Google searches. 

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The UK’s exit from the EU has meant there are many changes affecting businesses throughout the entire supply chain. HMRC Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and French customs have made some significant changes and we are anticipating more to come.

As The Access Group is a member of ADS, we have been provided with official guidelines  which include the most recent customs updates.

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Lucy Pamment

Head of Product Development

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Tamara Higham

Supply Chain Solutions

The effects of COVID-19 on the high street and retail will be far-reaching, long after the storm has calmed. As well as social distancing measures being predicted to be in place in some capacity for months, it has forced many people into changing the way they shop. Unlike the doomsday predictions such as ‘death of the high street’, commentators believe this will prompt many small retailers to address their overreliance on being purely bricks and mortar.  

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