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Legal Case Management

Legal Case Management advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Marcus Dacombe

Proposition Marketing Director

Curious about what the future holds for your law firm? The latest insights from the Frontiers Report reveal the top trends shaping SME law firms for the year ahead. Read on to uncover key strategies to stay ahead of your competitors, with technology playing a pivotal role in overcoming business challenges.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director

The Access Group provides the latest legal compliance news for law firms and solicitors in the UK.

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Marcus Dacombe

Propositions Director, Access Legal

Competition among medium-sized UK law firms is fierce, with over 70%* expressing concerns about local rivals competing for their business. In this highly competitive landscape, evolution isn't just an option—it's a must. Whether it's boosting productivity, ensuring compliance, or enhancing client experiences, the decision to adopt a new case management system signifies a pivotal moment for any law firm. But what happens before and after the switch? Let's explore the details of this transition and discover essential factors to weigh when navigating this pivotal decision. 

*LPM Frontiers Report 2024

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Mike Connelly

Commercial Director Access Legal

Meeting client expectations is at the top of every law firm's mind. In an era where online giants like Amazon can offer same-day delivery, client’s expectations for rapid, on-demand services are on the rise. This is no different in the legal sector, specifically conveyancing with clients now expecting a quicker turnaround than ever before.

This article covers how digital conveyancing and utilising technology can help law firms achieve greater efficiency and provide an enhanced client experience.

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Access Legal

Is your law firm achieving the paperless dream, or is your legal team still sifting through mountains of documents and paper day in and day out?

We have been talking about it for at least four decades, and yet today, many law firms are still drowning in paper even though the technology to eliminate the stuff has existed for quite some time.

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Liam Stainer

Legal IT Specialist

For any law firm making a decision on whether to host their legal case and practice management software on the cloud or on their own on-premise servers, Access Legal has produced this practical checklist.

Cloud Computing Defined: Cloud computing for Law Firms, in the context of this checklist, is simply outsourcing the hosting of your accounts, case and practice management software along with the other key integrated third-party software products, such as Microsoft Office and Exchange. Of course cloud computing as such i.e. the provision of computing services over the internet, is nothing new. Remote application hosting has been available for many years.

The question is – as a law firm should you host your software on your own in-house servers or do you entrust the hosting of your critical business systems to a cloud technology partner? Either way the software doesn’t change – the only differences are how you access the software and where it is hosted.

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Access Legal

The value of a law firm’s data should never be underestimated, and so it is important to find an experienced software supplier you and your partners can completely trust if you are considering switching from one legal case and practice management system to another and need to convert your law firm’s data.

In terms of a law firm’s assets, consideration for your data is as important as your people, their expertise and their time.  Decision makers understandably can be wary about investing and switching to alternative legal software because of the prospect of migrating all of their precious data. Unfortunately some technology providers have made it difficult for firms to retrieve their data, compounding the concern over switching to a new provider.

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Marcus Dacombe

Propositions Director, Access Legal

In today's rapidly evolving legal landscape, data is becoming increasingly vital for law firms to stay competitive, make informed decisions, and adapt to changing client preferences. Legal professionals are recognizing the importance of harnessing the power of data to gain valuable insights and align their strategies with firm objectives. In a recent webinar, Marcus Dacombe, Director of Product Marketing at Access Legal, and Paul Wynn discussed the significance of data in legal case management and how it can be used to drive a data-driven culture within law firms.

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Emma Flack

Divisional Marketing Manager

Legal case management can be complex and confusing for medium-sized law firms. The ever-changing legal landscape and increasing regulatory requirements make it challenging for law firms to manage cases efficiently. Pursuing legal cases without a detailed case management system can lead to missed deadlines, lost documents, and, ultimately, lost cases. 

This blog addresses the challenges and offers insights into how medium-sized law firms can navigate legal case management effectively.  

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Vidusha Huberd

Legal Software Specialist

Law firms are entrusted with vast amounts of sensitive information, such as bank accounts and personal details, and have a responsibility to protect it. With cybercrime on the rise and the potential for identity theft increasing, firms need to implement effective measures to safeguard their data and their client's data. Biometric identity checking is an innovative solution that many law firms are turning to as a reliable method of identity verification. Furthermore, it offers a convenience benefit that meets the needs of today's client who expects seamless digital experiences from their service providers.

In this blog post, we'll explore how biometric identity verification works, its benefits and drawbacks, and why it should be considered by law firms.

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