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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Claire Thomas

Content Operations Manager, Access Learning

We recently attended Learning Tech 2024, a yearly conference which brings together L&D professionals to share ideas around organisational learning and the technology used to support learning at work.

During the event, there were several discussions which focused on artificial intelligence for learning and development and the impact it is having on those working in the L&D space. While we talked about utilising the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our Learning Trends for 2024 blog, the conference highlighted a deeper impact.

Below, we explore four AI trends L&D professionals should be aware of and how they can be implemented, as well as discuss some predictions and limitations of adopting AI in L&D going forward.

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Matthew Hallsworth

Asbestos awareness training provides those who are likely to come into contact with asbestos the information they need to be able to identify it and act accordingly. Anyone who is handling asbestos regularly will need to have a higher level of training. 

In this article, we will cover who asbestos awareness training is suitable for, what the course covers, the cost of not having training, and how to get started with an asbestos awareness training course. 

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In times of uncertainty surrounding the cost of living, rising energy prices and inflation, it’s no surprise that financial wellbeing is a growing concern for many.

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Claire Thomas

Content Operations Manager - Access Learning

In the dynamic landscape of remote work, the benefits of flexibility and autonomy are accompanied by the potential pitfalls of burnout. It has become crucial to recognise and address the subtle indicators of staff burnout. In this article, we explore three warning signs that may signal your team members are experiencing the detrimental effects of excessive stress and fatigue while working from home.

By understanding these red flags, employers can proactively implement strategies to grow a healthier work environment and support their staff's wellbeing in the virtual realm.

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Claire Thomas

Content Operations Manager - Access Learning

The importance of GDPR compliance has never been more relevant, but it can be tricky to know where to start.

Assigning data privacy training throughout your organisation is crucial for maintaining GDPR compliance and ensuring that employees grasp the policies, procedures, and general best practices.

In this article we are going to talk about how to be GDPR compliant no matter the business size, discuss accountability and answer the question ‘what is a data protection impact assessment?'

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Are you interested in learning more about the Learning and Development maturity model and the impact of your organisations’ L&D maturity on learning culture? Perhaps you're wondering where to focus your plans and investments in L&D to achieve your business objectives?

Look no further, as this informative blog is designed to help you do just that.

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James Taylor

Lead writer on social care

The Care Certificate is everywhere in social care. But what is the Care Certificate? Many owners, managers, care workers and other stakeholders are still unclear on some aspects of it. In this blog we answer the key questions those groups have around the Care Certificate, including what is the Care Certificate? What kind of training is available? Where can I find a workbook? Can I find answers online? And more.

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Ryan Cotell

Ryan is part of the customer success function within Access Learning, leading a team of Customer Success Managers to support our partners in configuring their Personalised Learning platform and driving engagement with their learners. He is passionate about the benefits personalised learning can bring to an organisation and ensuring it delivers value to our customers. 

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Nicola Blandamour

Content Manager, Digital Learning

Recently, we attended Learning Tech 2023, one of the most influential conferences and exhibitions in the realm of organisational learning and development. 

Drawing together professionals from across the industry and showcasing thought leadership and technology trends in learning and development, this event shed light on a number of focus areas for the sector. 

In this article, we bring you a glimpse into the Conference of Learning Tech 2023, summarising 10 key themes we noted across a wide range of talks. 

The themes we cover are: 

Embracing Change 

1. Seeing Opportunity in Change 
2. Utilising New Technologies 
3. Harnessing Diversity 

Shifting the way we work 

4. Building Connections 
5. Agile and Unified Planning 
6. Cultivating a Thriving Learning Culture 

The Right Tools and Strategies to Make it Happen 

7. Measuring and Analysing Impact 
8. Nurturing Self-Directed Learning 
9. Advancing Personalised Learning 
10. Developing Skills for Organisational Agility 

There’s lots to cover, but we promise it will be worth your while - so grab a drink, get comfy -  and let's uncover how these themes can empower your organisation to thrive in the rapidly evolving world of workplace learning.... 

Estimated read time: 8 minutes

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Richard Whittington

Senior Product Manager

If you’re part of the Learning and Development team within your organisation, you will be well aware that the need for effective and efficient training has never been more crucial. With so many people working remotely and digital learning moving at a rapid pace, it’s no surprise that training needs to be relevant and engaging, whilst offering quality content on a breadth of different topics 

At The Access Group, we are incredibly proud that our learning content (which covers our eLearning courses and all content within our Personalised Learning solution) is accredited by the CPD Certification Service - but why is this so important?

In this blog we explain what CPD accreditation is, why it is necessary for eLearning courses to be certified and how to choose a training provider who will offer your organisation the most suitable CPD training courses

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