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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

In our recent webinar, I discussed a number of key issues with Professor Stephen Mayson, a well known independent legal thought leader and the independent reviewer of legal services regulation.

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Laura Wilkes

Risk and Compliance Associate

Conveyancing is an ever growing area of work which constantly evolves in relation to regulatory requirements and applicable legislation, such as Money Laundering Regulations and the UK Sanctions Regime. Our team works with both SRA and CLC Regulated firms, and it has been fascinating over the years identifying the differences between the two.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

In our recent webinar we looked at the changes that are being made to the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) Scheme Rules (‘Rules’) from 1 April 2023; we also covered the feedback we had obtained from the LeO in relation to a number of questions we had around the changes.

The LeO has been keen to point out the purpose of the changes, with the Chair of the Office for Legal Complaints saying, “The changes are not about closing doors to customers but about identifying new freedoms and building in the ability to resolve complaints in a proportionate and more efficient way. It is about achieving a more balanced approach and creating a quicker customer experience, whilst retaining the core benefit of accessing independent and fair legal redress.”

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

In the last week we have seen the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) really flexing its muscles and using its new enhanced fining powers, in one case it fined a firm £20,000 for its ‘reckless’ failure to comply with the anti-money laundering requirements; this was the highest fine so far for such breaches.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

Avoiding getting caught up in money laundering is critical for lawyers and their firms, especially when the sanction for doing so could be as high as 14 years in prison, or what is soon likely to be an unlimited fine from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)!

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Siân Riley

Content & Thought Leadership Associate at Access Legal

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past year, it is unlikely to have escaped your attention that lawyers’ ethics has been a hot topic within the legal profession of late. With this in mind, as 2022 draws to a close, we thought it fitting to look back at some key events in the world of legal ethics over the past year and what we may learn from them from a thought leadership perspective…  

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

In 2019 the Law Society updated its Conveyancing Quality Scheme saying, “CQS is changing to make sure we continue to champion the role of solicitors and their position at the heart of conveyancing”; included in the update was a plan to carry out more desk-based and onsite assessments of the nearly 3,000 law firms holding the accreditation to see whether they were in fact meeting their obligations.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director

Our recent webinar on law firm non-compliance looked at the main breaches found within law firms, both from our own file audit work and in cases handled by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal.

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Siân Riley

Content & Thought Leadership Associate at Access Legal

On 28th September 2022, the LawCare charity hosted its inaugural conference, Building a better Life in the Law. This was an inspiring event which focused on cultural change in the law.

In this blog, we explore some of the themes and issues raised in the sessions and workshops we attended and our key takeaways on how we can all make the law a happier place to work.

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Scott Peplow

Anti-Money Laundering Training Learning Designer

According to the United Nations, up to 1.7 trillion pounds are laundered every year globally. 

The risk of unintentionally facilitating money laundering or terrorist financing is present for all financial professionals. The consequences of being involved in money laundering, either knowingly or unknowingly can be severe. 

The primary money laundering offences carry a maximum penalty of 14 years' imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. 

It is essential that all financial professionals know about money laundering, how to spot the signs, and what to do if they suspect money laundering is taking place. 

In this article we answer the questions of: 

    • What is money laundering and terrorist financing? 
    • What are examples of money laundering? 
    • How do I spot the signs of money laundering? 

Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

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