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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director

Our latest webinar provided attendees with an insight into the operation of crypto-currencies and blockchain, and the risks and opportunities that come with these.

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Laura Wilkes

Risk and Compliance Associate

With the new Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (DPDI) working its way through parliament, our Risk and Compliance Associate, Laura Wilkes thought now would be an opportune time to share a refresher on Information Security and measures that firms can take to manage their requirements.

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Siân Riley

Content & Thought Leadership Associate

The LawCare Building a better life in the law conference 2023 was a treasure trove of insights into various people risk management issues which all leaders in modern workplaces need to be aware of.  

This blog is intended to provide a brief summary of the issues covered along with practical tips which firms can implement to address psychosocial risks.  

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

This years’ conference programme was packed with lots of sessions that were of clear concern for many practitioners, but the main topic on conversation seemed to be the fallout following the Axiom Ince collapse; the main areas covered by the conference were:

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

Our latest update webinar focused on recent anti-money laundering (AML) developments, an update from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), and some of the key AML questions answered by the SRA on its website.

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Harry Fallows

Legal IT Expert

As technology continues to evolve, so do the cyber threats faced by law firms. Over the past few years, the legal industry has witnessed a significant surge in cyberattacks, ranging from ransomware and phishing attacks to supply chain vulnerabilities. With the widespread adoption of remote work and cloud-based services, the attack surface for potential threats has expanded, leaving law firms exposed to ever more sophisticated cyber threats. In this article, we will explore the modern IT and cyber security challenges faced by law firms.

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Harry Fallows

Legal IT Expert

Though not mentioned specifically, the SRA Codes of Conduct for Firms and for Solicitors, RELs and RFLs set out a number of rules relating to cyber security.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

As a consequence of the 2008 banking crisis, we saw many conveyancing firms dabbling in other areas of law to try and make up for the dramatic near-immediate loss of income from the property sector.

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Vidusha Huberd

Legal Software Specialist

Law firms are entrusted with vast amounts of sensitive information, such as bank accounts and personal details, and have a responsibility to protect it. With cybercrime on the rise and the potential for identity theft increasing, firms need to implement effective measures to safeguard their data and their client's data. Biometric identity checking is an innovative solution that many law firms are turning to as a reliable method of identity verification. Furthermore, it offers a convenience benefit that meets the needs of today's client who expects seamless digital experiences from their service providers.

In this blog post, we'll explore how biometric identity verification works, its benefits and drawbacks, and why it should be considered by law firms.

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Helen Rice

Risk & Compliance Associate, Access Legal

In the administration of estates, law firms encounter the task of verifying beneficiaries who will receive legacies through a will. While standard checks like bankruptcy and sanctions screenings are commonly performed, it is crucial for firms to complete identity checks on beneficiaries. The regulations do not solely place the risk on clients, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the entire matter. This article highlights the significance of beneficiary identification, explores potential risks, and suggests methods for carrying out effective checks.

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