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Cloud Migration

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Steve Thomas

Finance and project-based accounting expert

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has affected workers and companies of all kinds around the world. We have been dealing with dramatic changes to our way of life and the way we conduct business. Many people have switched to working from home, and as a consequence, cloud computing using SaaS technology has become more important than ever. It has enabled some businesses to carry on running as usual despite the challenges posed by the need to support social distancing. Employers and employees who were frustrated by the disruption to begin with are now discovering the advantages of this way of working.

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Harry Whysall

Recruitment CRM Specialist

To CRM or not to CRM, that is the question. In the interest of an honest and open relationship between us, we’re going to state straight away that we’re not trying to sell you a CRM. But we will help you know whether it’s time to invest.

By now you may have already set your own agency up. You should be pleased with yourself! Under recent circumstances, some might call you brave and some might call you crazy… but you’ve made the bold move and why not.  

Whilst we know we have a best-in-class Recruitment CRM that improves our customers ‘productivity and efficiency and consultants love using it, not every CRM provider is right for every business.

So here we will present two sides to the recruitment CRM debate, to help you decide whether your start-up is doing the right thing by making this investment now.

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Verity Ramsden-Hare

Head of Marketing, Recruitment

With the recruitment sector heavily impacted by the current lockdown, our focus has been first and foremost on supporting our customers and helping them to find ways to adapt or survive.

Now with certain areas of China easing lockdown and some European countries announcing exit plans we know there will be an end. Whilst businesses won’t be the same, our economy will pick up and we must think ahead and be ready for the recovery when it comes.

Whilst our attention has focused on helping customers respond now, these initiatives will also stand businesses in good stead when the market bounces back.

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Verity Ramsden-Hare

Head of Marketing - Recruitment Division

Few recruitment businesses can function without their systems up and running. It isn’t just about the protection against a potential disaster, a malicious attack, or a catastrophic error that is important, it’s the action plan for getting back up and running as quickly as possible. Speed of recovery can make a huge difference. Take too long and your agency could quickly lose money and clients, and bad experiences can lead to potentially reputational damage.

One of the advantages of moving business systems and software into the cloud is that the IT headaches associated with back-up and recovery planning are simply removed.

What’s more, the cloud is the simplest and most effective way to deal with crucial problems.

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Victoria HaydonTabard

Digital Transformation Specialist

Digital transformation is a term that’s often used in the IT sector, but to believe it is an IT based transformation is far from the truth. In fact, it’s less about the technology and more about business transformation, so that organisations can more effectively deal with the issues and opportunities that present themselves both now and in the future. Digital Transformation involves new processes, staff cultures, technologies and potentially services. At its core, it describes the introduction of integrated technology and process across all parts of the organisation to help it run more efficiently and more aligned to the needs of its clients or service users.

Here are some of the benefits that technology transformation can have in the health and social care sector:

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Tracy Wiseman

Head of Information Security/ DPO

As part of the Access Group, Access Cloud Hosting & Services is a provider of infrastructure solutions to mid-sized UK organisations. It helps customers become more productive and resilient, providing secure and scalable cloud hosting services that transform the way businesses work, from software and application hosting through to backup services and disaster recovery solutions. Access has data centres across the world, including in the EU and US. The international security of the data Access handles is of paramount importance to the company.


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