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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

HR professionals have a wide range of intricate and time-consuming responsibilities, each requiring detailed knowledge and efficient processes to ensure the smooth operation of the wider organisation. This is arguably one of the most important responsibilities that HR teams are responsible for. Making timely and accurate employee payments is essential to maintain trust and ensure the business meets its legal obligations. 

To help you to streamline your payroll processing, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide, incorporating both essential tasks and expert tips so you can be confident in the accuracy and efficiency of your payroll. One of the key aspects we’ll be discussing is the use of payroll software, which empowers HR professionals to navigate through the complexities of employee payments with efficiency and accuracy. 

Before we delve into how to do payroll, let’s take a quick look at what payroll processing is. 

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Nationally, sick leave rates in the UK have increased by 55% since 2019, and are up 6% since 2022 - but why is the country getting so much sicker every year?

Sick leave reasons in the UK are widespread, from poor general health to work and family related issues, causing wider productivity issues in the valuable days lost to companies.

To do a deep dive into how sickness has affected UK industries, Access People, part of The Access Group, gathered the data of absences recorded from over 1,775 small and medium-sized businesses, to track the causes for sickness absence that are on the rise.

By using HR software, employers can manage their HR and people strategy to help manage absences as best as possible and spot common trends across dates, reasons, departments and employees, enabling companies to work with staff to see if there’s any way they’re able to help. 

The 2024 sick leave report across 18 industries revealed that businesses saw an average amount of 128 days lost to sickness in the last year - up 6% compared to 120 in 2022.

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Claire Wardle

Writer on Social Prescribing

ICB and PCN funding opportunities present significant chances to develop and digitally transform primary care networks and services. When leveraged correctly, these new funding opportunities can bring about widespread benefits. These funding streams facilitate necessary changes to transform care and support services across primary care settings, enabling a better response to the challenges across the health and social care market and your local community.

One of the most exciting aspects of new primary care funding opportunities is the encouragement of greater collaboration and co-production between ICBs and PCNs. This collaborative approach helps to better address community needs whilst achieving regional, national, and long-term goals to recover access to primary care.

Despite the cancellation of the £300 million digital pathways framework due to delays from legal challenges,  NHS England has enhanced its national support offer. This includes a £48 million reimbursement fund derived from the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan (PCARP) with the aims of supporting Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to improve patient access, streamline care navigation, and enhance overall healthcare delivery through advanced digital solutions.

But what exactly is this fund? How does the new funding work? And most importantly, how can it be used, and how long will it last?

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing, we understand the importance of securing multiple-funding stream sources to ensure the sustainability of support services. We know that maximising the benefits of the funding received is equally crucial to achieving the best outcomes for patients, communities, and the workforce.

In this article you will learn all about the new PCN and ICB fund that is available and the best ways to use it to improve patient outcomes by managing demand and capacity more effectively.

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Claire Wardle

School transport for special needs is the responsibility of local authorities to deliver. SEN personal budgets must be used effectively to support every child with SEND needs to have safe transportation to and from school, allowing them to have the opportunities to thrive.

With changes to both SEN Transport policies and funding for school transport, it is getting more and more difficult to use the SEN budget cuts efficiently so no child suffers.

But what are the SEN budget cuts? What do they mean for local authorities, children, their families, and the wider community?

At Access Adam Transport, we know the various legal frameworks and guidance that must be followed to facilitate and deliver the home-to-school transport needed. We understand how difficult it can be to manage the decreasing budgets and the rising demands, whilst ensuring the transport providers you choose are fully compliant.

This article will provide a step-by-step guide explaining what SEN personal budgets are, how to use them, as well as what the budget cuts mean for SEND Transport, and how best to utilise your LA transport for special educational needs by changing providers to improve your outcomes without going over budget.

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Mary Ann Sieghart is a journalist, broadcaster and author of the bestselling book The Authority Gap: Why We Still Take Women Less Seriously Than Men, and What We Can Do About It. She was at The Times for nearly 20 years, as Assistant Editor, Comment Editor, Arts Editor and political columnist, and has also worked at the FT, The Economist and The Independent. She presents programmes on BBC Radio 4 and the World Service and has frequently appeared on Question Time, Any Questions, Newsnight, The Andrew Marr Show, The Today Programme and Woman’s Hour. She researched the book as a Visiting Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and is currently a Visiting Professor at King’s College London. She chaired the Social Market Foundation think tank and is a director of Guardian Media Group, which owns The Guardian and The Observer. She was chair of the judges for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2022.

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Marcus Dacombe

Proposition Marketing Director

Curious about what the future holds for your law firm? The latest insights from the Frontiers Report reveal the top trends shaping SME law firms for the year ahead. Read on to uncover key strategies to stay ahead of your competitors, with technology playing a pivotal role in overcoming business challenges.

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Clement Lim

Writer on social care

A fall risk assessment should be considered for anyone who is elderly or suffering from a disability. The risk assessment is conducted by a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, or exercise therapist, and involves using a risk assessment tool that considers a person’s individual risk factors. 

While fall risk assessments tend to be focused on the elderly, falls can affect all age groups including the young and middle-aged. Irrespective of age, falls can lead to injury and loss of confidence, to the detriment of a person’s wellbeing, confidence, and quality of life.  

In this article we will explain what falls risk assessments involve, compare different types of falls risk assessments, and examine the best falls risk assessment tools. Finally we will have a look at how technology enabled care (TEC) can offer a solution for people assessed as having a high falls risk. 

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Jen Grenside

With 61% of hospitality leaders planning to invest in new technology this year, it's clear that staying ahead of the curve is a top priority. As a hospitality operator, your point of sale (POS) system is arguably the most important tool in your business, but choosing the perfect software is only the first step in a successful POS implementation - next, your team has to transition to using it. 

From choosing the right software and hardware to staff training and minimising downtime, there's a lot to consider. In the end, you want the transition to be seamless and actually transformative for your business.  

Here at Access, we’ve successfully helped countless businesses save both time and costs in the process. So, in this article, we'll break down the key steps to a successful POS implementation and shed light on how to do it in the most effective way possible.

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Jen Grenside

Against all odds, the UK's restaurant scene is constantly booming, and branded chains are leading the charge, accounting for over 54% growth in the industry. And while chains undeniably benefit from brand recognition and economies of scale, they also face the complexities of managing multiple locations - maintaining consistency, working efficiently and delivering exceptional customer experiences, to name a few.  

To sustain this success in a challenging economic climate, restaurants, pubs, and bars operators with big ambitions must invest in scalable solutions that can grow alongside them - whether they have two locations or two hundred.  

As a technology provider to the hospitality sector here at Access, we help growing independents and large-scale multi-site operators boost efficiency, make smarter decisions, and keep customers coming back for more, no matter which location they visit. 

One of the first essential steps when moving to a multi-site setup is having a multi-site management EPoS system and, in this article, we'll explain why it's worth investing in it once your business grows beyond its first site.  

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Jen Grenside

A recent report revealed that 78% of restaurant operators are planning to use sales data to
optimise their menus, which highlights the growing importance of business reports in
making strategic decisions. Whatever your reason for diving into your EPoS data, analysing
the numbers is an excellent way to evaluate your business.

Access EPoS comes with a rich and mature reporting suite as a standard and allows you to
access your business data across all functions 24/7 in real-time to help you manage your
cash, stock, and resources effectively.

In this article, we outline some of the functional reports you can generate with Access
EPoS to optimise your business processes.

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