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6 steps to better absence management for charities

Jo Farragher

Charity Financials Expert

Having a clear view of both staff and volunteer availability helps to improve resource planning both day-to-day and at key times of the year. However, many organisations have manual systems in place that are time-consuming and make it difficult to manage availability efficiently, leading to unnecessary resource shortages. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here are the top six steps for better absence management:

1. Automate as much as possible

Get systems and processes in place to reduce the administrative burden on everyone. Online absence management makes it easier to track availability and have a clear picture of who’s in and when. This is particularly helpful when you’re dealing with volunteers who might only be with the organisation at certain times of the year or for limited periods of time.

2. Make sure the system is flexible and easy to use

Any absence management system needs to be flexible and easy to use, with the ability to control everything from holidays to time in lieu and flexible working. Seeing team views when you’ve got an event where you need certain people to be available, makes project resourcing easier to plan. Trying to do all of this manually is both a time drain and incredibly inefficient.

3. Provide mobile apps for remote access

Allow staff and volunteers access through a mobile application so that information isn’t just held in HR. This means they can automatically log in and add their holidays or other days when they will – or will not – be available. This not only helps budget holders, project managers and other senior managers but also allows people to see whether their colleagues are available.

4. Use an online skills matrix

Different projects or events will call for certain skillsets. Having the ability to match the right people to the right projects makes it much easier to ensure that resources are available when they’re required the most. It could be year end and making sure all the finance team are on hand. Or it could be the main annual fundraiser which requires certain people to be involved.

5. Ensure everyone uses the system

When everyone is using the same online absence management system to book holidays, time in lieu, sick days and highlight availability, it provides a specific process so that everyone is treated alike – whether a staff member or a volunteer. It also means that all absence information is stored in one central system for easy access.

6. Provide clear policies and frameworks

When there is a clear absence policy in place everyone knows what’s expected of them. It encourages individuals to plan and not to have everyone off at the same time. It makes for a much more efficient use of resource and keeps the costs of absence management down too. 

Find out more about managing absence for charities: