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6 signs it’s time to breakup with your CRM

Nick Hogan

The very thought of finding a new recruitment CRM system is enough to send the bravest of us into an absolute emotional, and mental, breakdown. The long days searching, the fights with suppliers, the endless worrying if ‘it’s the one’ and the all-time hassle of getting your baggage from one system to another. It’s terrifying.

Our constant evolution of Access Recruitment CRM tells us that change is progress, and necessary, and if you’ve any hope of keeping your business afloat and growing, a CRM database that actually works for you is priority number one. But then again, before you start panicking, you might not even need a new one. To take some of the worrying off your hands, we’ve put together a list of signs that will tell you whether you can rest easy, or whether it’s time to let the wheels of progress start spinning.

  1. Where is the love? If you feel like you’re not getting adequate support from you supplier and you’re constantly left to work issues out by yourself, it’s probably because they’ve taken you as far as you can go. The last thing you want is a whirling machine on your hands that comes with no backup support. We all like to think we’re tech geniuses because we can work a mac, but let’s be honest, we need help with some of the bigger things, and rightly so.
  2. Does this match? Your business objectives and growth plans are always flexing and changing. Recruitment moves too fast for anything else, and your CRM software needs to be able to adapt every time you pivot. Your business might have started in perm recruitment, but what happens if you transition to both perm and temp? Can your database handle both?
  3. Do THEY love it? By ‘they’ we’re obviously talking about your employees. The heroes down on the ground, in the trenches, using the CRM system day in and day out. If you find they’re not using it, it’s a sure sign it’s not user friendly, and it isn’t working for their needs. You also need to consider if it’s flexible and works with your employees working patterns. Can they access it on the go? Can they use it easily from home? Can they even search the right things when they’re in the office? There’s a heap of questions to consider, and your people are always the best judge of what works and what doesn’t.
  4. ‘I’ll do it later, it’s down right now’. If that’s a sentence you hear regularly, start looking at other recruitment CRM systems immediately. System downtime is one of the biggest expenses to recruitment organisations and wastes valuable consultant time. It also leads to lost information as people forget to upload things once the system is up and running and we’re only human after all. Your database needs to be eliminating the margin for human error and when it’s down and out, literally, you’re giving yourself the worst possible chance of success.
  5. Tell me your secrets. Your database is a machine, and like anything else, you need to learn how to operate and maximise it. Ongoing training and access to workshops is a crucial part of finding the right system. If your consultants are spending hours trawling the internet and chat rooms to find out how to do that one thing in the system, it’s definitely not the right database for you.
  6. TLC. In the world of software, TLC can be directly translated as product investment. Whoever you’re using right now, should constantly be investing in their product, always coming out with new and improved versions that constantly keep up with you as you run. A stagnant CRM is basically a dead system. As you evolve your finance, email and payroll capabilities, your recruitment database should be evolving and integrating with you. It’s an intuitive tool that grows with you, and if your system isn’t doing that, you’re going to have a sticky mess on your hands down the line.

Access Recruitment CRM is a recruitment software that was designed to improve the lives of recruiters and make their jobs easier, so we know just what your recruitment software is capable of, and if you’re not getting everything you need, it’s time to move on.