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4 new ways of visualising your absence data

Sophie Swanscott

Absence Management Expert

Find out which graphs and charts will make your data easier to understand.

Are you struggling to prove to your board that you have an effective strategy for managing absence? Do you need a visual medium to communicate absence issues to your staff? Below are four ways to improve your understanding of staff absence - to the board and to staff.

Holiday reporting
Holiday allowance calculations are a helpful way of comparing how much annual leave your staff have used up with how much they have remaining. This is an especially important report to pull if you are worried about employees carrying an excessive amount of leave into the following year, and need to discuss these concerns with staff.

Sickness absence statistical report
Ensure you report on the cost and frequency of sickness absence across your organisation. Absence histograms are a useful way of showing how long staff are off for when sick, so you can measure how disruptive short-term absence is to your organisation. You might also use this report to support a proposed strategy for reducing sickness absence, such as introducing the flu jab to suppress sickness outbreaks in the winter months.

Monthly bar charts
Draw on historic data to see the distribution of leave taken by month. This allows you to identify trends and plan ahead for staff shortfalls. To avoid absence clashes, you may need to encourage staff to book holiday evenly throughout the year. This chart provides a starting point for opening up this discussion with line managers.

Summary pie charts
Use pie charts to show how leave taken for sickness compares to that taken for holiday. Drill down further by examining more categories like ‘working from home’ or ‘miscellaneous’ leave. Analyse trends across your organisation or by department. Visualise the leave taken by your staff into different categories.

aCloud TeamSeer lets you generate the above reports, along with holiday accrual and Bradford Factor reports, in a visual and easy-to-export format. A central source of accurate absence data enables you to analyse company trends or hone in on specific departments, locations or individuals. Inform your absence decisions with reliable insights.